Call of Duty: Black Ops

Quickscoping was fun though, even if it was incredibly cheap.

Yeah, I didn't play much MW 2, but when I did snipe, especially on Wasteland, I did occasionally quickscope. The problem is there are so many guys that abused perks like one man army and commando, or things like quickscoping and noob tubing. Such things had to be fixed.

thedon5 added 2 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...

Yep, that's what I hate. I also hate the fact that they still have the 'Halo style' regeneration - it's so unrealistic - surely they can think of something better after all this time? It even found its way into Mafia II, destroying any tension in that game. It would also slow the game down and stop people tearing around like maniacs if they had to be more careful about being shot.

I believe in half and half. It's a bit stupid that you can go from say, 1 health to 100 in less than a minute. But I still think it's a decent idea.

I would think it should be much slower, or rather it should only regenerate say 20 health max or something. Because I would hate to be running around with 1-10 health for 20 minutes or something...
Yea noob tubing is ridiculous. The perks in this one are more even I feel.

In MW2 I used to go SMG, pistol + tactical knife, lightweight pro, marathon pro, ninja pro and just knife everyone. Can't do that any more due to the classifications of perks. And the fact that marathon isn't infinite sprint.
Still, at least they've got rid of 'quickscoping' now, although the PC version will no doubt have that crap modded back in.

Quickscoping is still in it kinda. it's not as accurate and as fast but it's still there. it's really kinda of pointless how they half assed it. shouldve just left it out completely.

as to the rest of the game, havent played online yet will do sometime this weekend though. as for the campaign im up to the sixth level atm and its not too bad altough each mission could be longer. i have only been playing it for an hour maybe hour and half max
Yea noob tubing is ridiculous. The perks in this one are more even I feel.

In MW2 I used to go SMG, pistol + tactical knife, lightweight pro, marathon pro, ninja pro and just knife everyone. Can't do that any more due to the classifications of perks. And the fact that marathon isn't infinite sprint.

I was playing split-screen once, and we wanted to test just how good the noob tube was. I was on the top floor in Estate, and my mate shot his noob tube. It hit the ceiling, and yet it still killed me. That's how overpowered it was. I hear both launchers and the noob tube are less common at this stage in Black Ops, but I guess in a few months we may see more noob tubers and launchers.

That's exactly what a guy I once played did. He was camping with that exact set-up at the objective:p. I knew he was there after he killed me once, but he was so well hidden that it took me 3 deaths to finally kill him, on Search and Destroy. Then that same guy randomly sends me the message, "knife", and his clan tag was "knife":p. Except that guy had commando pro as well, why didn't you?

I was clean. No noobiness really. Scar with red dot, sleight of hand, stopping power and commando. I was so rubbish with knifing that I had about 5-10 knife kills out of my 1500 kills:p.
I've only played combat training because I want them to sort out the problems before I go online. The jump between Hardened and Veteran bots is huge though. Veteran bots literally wall hack and aim hack. You walk around the corner and you're dead. I manage to get 1.0 kdr against them just. Oh and they quick scope lol. Hardened bots are terrible though. I get 16 kill streaks against them and get stupid scores like 38-4.
You have a PS3, don't you? You can rent the game on that, it honestly won't kill you to not play a game on the PC.

This is a FPS though - as far as I'm concerned, you need a mouse/keyboard to play them properly.
I'd agree to be fair. Got Cod 2 on the PC the other week and its a hell of alot better playing on the PC than games on the console in terms of controls.
I hate using a gamepad controller for FPS games. It's unnatural. Has to be keyboard/mouse for me.

Facepalm all you like - when they used to show Pro CoD 4 gamers on Sky, they were always using a keyboard/mouse. :rolleyes

I'd agree to be fair. Got Cod 2 on the PC the other week and its a hell of alot better playing on the PC than games on the console in terms of controls.

CoD 2 is probably the best CoD ever - you'll have fun with that and it has a nice long campaign as well. ;)

I hate using a gamepad controller for FPS games. It's unnatural. Has to be keyboard/mouse for me.

Exactly - it's unnatural. The mouse is so much more intuitive to look around with - gamepads are so clunky.
How much did you get it for and do you know of any bundles with CoD and CoD 2? Both games are well worth playing again. :)

MasterBlaster76 added 2 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...

I believe in half and half. It's a bit stupid that you can go from say, 1 health to 100 in less than a minute. But I still think it's a decent idea.

I would think it should be much slower, or rather it should only regenerate say 20 health max or something. Because I would hate to be running around with 1-10 health for 20 minutes or something...

Good idea - reduce the amount of regeneration, or make it much slower. Or have some sort of effect, such as slower movement, so you have to watch your step for a while until that wears off.
I don't believe it - both CoD, CoD 2 and the expansion packs for each are still ?14.99 on Steam! What a rip off - how old are these games now?

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