Chat on bLC Online



Ste has been trying to set up a Chat on BLC Online where BLC fans can get together and provide solutions for problems which some people may encounter(like game crashes,etc)immediately rather than waiting for a whole day hopin g someone may reply to ur thread.,and for general gossip about the game and how it can be enhanced,etc..

Even though Ste has finished the setting up process..we're not sure if it works...In fact it doesn't work for both of us...We're not able to connect to the server..SO what we need you to to try and tell us if u an connect to the server
The Chat option is available near the top where it says Welcome...
Do tell us soon ,coz if it's not working for anyone,we'll try to come up with alternate methods
If you cant connect to it via the chat option you can connect to it using an IRC client like MIRC.

This can be done by connecting to the server -
and the channel #BLCOnline

What are your views on a weekly scheduled BLC Online chat time also?


i could not connect to the chat section. although i was logged in, the message was shown - 'nickname undertaker already in use. try another name' and then comes a series of choices for and then site get disconnected.


When you are logged in but it doesnt like your nickname type in /nick and then your new name e.g.
/nick Ste1

The reason that the name is sometimes taken is that when someone else is logged onto the same server in another chatroom with the same name.


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