Cpu Ai


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Apr 4, 2001
Birmingham, England
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Ok, can someone please answer the following questions about the cpu AI ?

1) Does it set/chase totals realistically in ODI's ?
2) In tests, do left handed cpu batsmen still leave the ball thats hitting the stumps to right arm over the wicket bowlers ?
3) Does the cpu still bowl loads of short/yorker length deliveries every over.
4) does the cpu bowlers now bowl around the wicket - (especially left arm spinners)

Thanks in advance
yup..no 1 really posted about this yet...i wanna know as well
Hey, well i have been playing the west indies, so no spinner in their side, but all their pace bowlers bowl from different sides if you have va good partnership. They will bowl from around the wicket to try something different.

With bowling yourself, the left handers dont pad up to plum lbw's, which im so glad about.

The game is very good, its just one field palcing where u can get dodgy catches, but if you dont have the man close in on the offside, its a good challenge.
Originally posted by zimrahil
Ok, can someone please answer the following questions about the cpu AI ?

1) Does it set/chase totals realistically in ODI's ?
2) In tests, do left handed cpu batsmen still leave the ball thats hitting the stumps to right arm over the wicket bowlers ?
3) Does the cpu still bowl loads of short/yorker length deliveries every over.
4) does the cpu bowlers now bowl around the wicket - (especially left arm spinners)

Thanks in advance

Good questions and these are the ones I would have wished to know. It will probably be a day or two before I can answer these myself if at all the game is going to be released in NZ tomorrow or day after. I am eagerly awaiting an answer to these questions.
Thanks for the answers so far- more important questions to me are

1) is there 90 overs in a test day
2) anyone seen the duckworth - lewis rule implemented yet ?
i had 83 overs in a test day, with no spinners. And i havent played a rain effected one dayer
Originally posted by zimrahil
Ok, can someone please answer the following questions about the cpu AI ?

1) Does it set/chase totals realistically in ODI's ?
2) In tests, do left handed cpu batsmen still leave the ball thats hitting the stumps to right arm over the wicket bowlers ?
3) Does the cpu still bowl loads of short/yorker length deliveries every over.
4) does the cpu bowlers now bowl around the wicket - (especially left arm spinners)

Thanks in advance

Hi Zim!
How r u?
I have been away for a while and will be leaving again soon, but i will come back to the forums whenever i can.

As for your questions, in ODI it does set reasonable targets. Nothing that is not too hard to chase down though. When they bat second it seems that if i make a big score, they get out a lot. The good thing is though they have a go atleast instead of blocking out an innings.

for number 2. with the lbw leaving. It does happen, but very rarley. It is more likely to happen to a minow team like Canada or Namibia.

The CPU generally bowls a good line, however they will bowl the few that are very short or very wide. I don't maybe if that is ment to be there for realism. But you can just work off singles from the good deliveries and hit away the bad ones.
The good thing is it is much easier to hit yorkers, you can on drive then or smash them back over the bowlers head.

the CPU will bowl around the wicket but it will take a while till it does. havent seen Left armer go around yet though.

1) is there 90 overs in a test day
2) anyone seen the duckworth - lewis rule implemented yet ?

The test matches go till time. So if you get through a lot of overs really fast you could well bowl over 90. I found that for every 1 minute that goes in real time it is about 2 minutes in the game.

havent seen the duckworth-lewis rule yet.

Hope that answered the questions for you!:)
Cheers Tim, have a good Christmas. Meanwhile I would like to add another couple of questions on AI:

1. Does the CPU ring good bowling changes unlike bowling the opening bowler for 10 overs in a row as in C2K2?

2. Can we bowl non stop for a day with just two or three bowlers in a test. To be precise, can a fast bowler like Shane Bond or Brett Lee bowl 20 overs at a time, non stop?
The computer makes good changes. But i havbe to say against the west indis, they had 4 pace bowlers bowl for 83 overs, so im not to sure about that.....but as far as stamina for bowlers, I have found that while the stamina bar does not change for some reason, the players speeds in their bowling decrease, so u r better off bringing a fresh bowler on. Also depending on how hot it is, is how ur players tire, its 8 overs in cool conditions, and six in really hot conmditions. I dont think players tire enough to be honest, but at least they do
Originally posted by johnsma2
The computer makes good changes. But i havbe to say against the west indis, they had 4 pace bowlers bowl for 83 overs, so im not to sure about that.....but as far as stamina for bowlers, I have found that while the stamina bar does not change for some reason, the players speeds in their bowling decrease, so u r better off bringing a fresh bowler on. Also depending on how hot it is, is how ur players tire, its 8 overs in cool conditions, and six in really hot conmditions. I dont think players tire enough to be honest, but at least they do

Thanks Johnsma2, shall I take it that a fast bowler at a time can bowl up to 6-8 overs at good speed? I can even digest 83 overs by 4 medium paced bowlers although not ideal as far as they are not bowling 10-20 overs in one go. I played against one of the salesman in a game store this morning and one thing that put me off was the amount of byes. I am certain there were atleast 7-8 runs byes out of the 25 runs he can muster and that was quite disappointing. We were trying out Yokshire V/S Surrey and I thought it might have been due to "Easy" settings. If it aint much of a bother, can you please let me know if this is due to "Easy" settings. Surely Alec Stewart cant be that sloppy keeper. Do you play on hard mode and if it isnt much of a bother can you let me know what kind of scores are you raking up in a ODI/against whom. All said and done I will be buying it anyways first thing tomorrow but its just good to care for opinions. Thanks for your patience and help.

Ok well I have heard people complain about byes, but unless u boal a real shocker on hard level the keeper will take it, especially if u take pace off it if it looks like it is going to go way wide. I dont have a problem witrh byes, my first ever over on hard i couldnt bowl well and i did 3 wides that went down leg side for 4, but its rare now, like it hasnt happened hardly at all. I only play on hard.

I have heard complaints that its too hard to keep the computers runs down in onme dayers, but i have found it very realistic, ayt least on normal pitches, nz made 230 off 50, lost 7 wickets. Was awesome. Im really struggling in batting in one dayers, all out for 80 then 50, but it takes practice. with tests it is awesome, ive made hundreds, got all out for 380, bowled windies out for 320 (damn lara 120*) only thing is the defauly field in tests has a guy in close on the off side which takes catches easy, change tyo the second setting for a realistic game, its a glitch in the game, but just dont use that field, when the computer is bowling they dont use that field ever
Originally posted by johnsma2
Ok well I have heard people complain about byes, but unless u boal a real shocker on hard level the keeper will take it, especially if u take pace off it if it looks like it is going to go way wide. I dont have a problem witrh byes, my first ever over on hard i couldnt bowl well and i did 3 wides that went down leg side for 4, but its rare now, like it hasnt happened hardly at all. I only play on hard.

I have heard complaints that its too hard to keep the computers runs down in onme dayers, but i have found it very realistic, ayt least on normal pitches, nz made 230 off 50, lost 7 wickets. Was awesome. Im really struggling in batting in one dayers, all out for 80 then 50, but it takes practice. with tests it is awesome, ive made hundreds, got all out for 380, bowled windies out for 320 (damn lara 120*) only thing is the defauly field in tests has a guy in close on the off side which takes catches easy, change tyo the second setting for a realistic game, its a glitch in the game, but just dont use that field, when the computer is bowling they dont use that field ever

Thanks again Johnsma2, keep the tips coming. Very realistic totals you got there, I hope that continues with passing time. You know with most of the games it gets a little easy over the time but looking at the attributes of the players and also what I have heard from other forummers this game promises longivity. I am certainly not wanting "the perfect game" but as far as the scores are realistic, the bowling and batting a challenge I can live with that.
yes, that good news about the byes hardly occuring on hard unless a very wayward delivery.

Is it true that the cpu bowls far too many over pitched deliveries (yorkers)?

I see the default fields look like those in BLC99 - is this correct also ?
The fields are similar to blc 99 but i cant remember blc's exactly.

I havent noticed they bowl 2 many, but they bowl a lot and if u can keep it from knocking u over u can get a single once u block it. Its hard 2 keep the yorkers out, u have to see if they take speed off it, coz u mis time it and ur screwed
I find the CPU bowling AI to be quite competent, but if my present game is anythng to go on, the batting is a bit weak. .I am playing a test as AUS vs IND on "hard" at the moment, and after being sent into field at hobart on a normal pitch in humid conditions, I thought I was set for victory.

I think I got 7 of their 10 wickets from an outswinging ball catching an edge and managed to keep them to about 130. Tendulkar was the only one that started to look in form, but I got him when I switched from mcgrath to harvey. Their running was a little better than on easier levels, but was a bit dodgy. There were a lot of "balls" bu these weren't really from wide deliveries. Gilchrist dives way past 1st slip, so we are covered there. its teh slower balls that cause problems. it it bouces just in front of him, its gone through the legs for a four, or a single if its really slow. (the CPU could easily run 2 as 1st slip runs back to collect but doesn't, so the running AI definitely needs work)

In the batting, I took it easy and only went after the loose balls and went to about 0/25 after about 8 or 9 overs. Once my confidence was up a little I decided to go after them a bit and proceeded to lose 3 wickets in quick succession. My main drama is an inability to drive the ball well, but I think its just a timing thing I haven't worked out yet. Their bowlers vary the pitch and type of delivery and I am on the back foot with a RR of about 1.9 and 3 wickets down for 40 or so. The game is definitely an improvement on c2002, but there are still a few annoyances such as the running AI that need to be patched if they want me to recommend this to my friends.

That said, its pretty cool and I wish I had more time to play, because lets face it.... it isn't exactly a fast-paced game. :D

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