Cpu Batsmen Run Outs


Club Cricketer
Dec 23, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi All.

When bowloing the computer controlled batsmen tend to get run out all the time when they play a shot to mid on or mid off. What happens is that they will play the shot, and when the ball is almost at the fielder they will call for the run. This is very annoying as I would rather like to get them out the correct way than this soft type of dismissals.

Have anyone noticed this? Is there a way to fix/change this so that the CPU batsmen don't do this?


Also on medium and on hard, right now Ravi and Sam are editing the .gob file and cricket2004.exe to correct this bug.
Nope this is defnitely a bug, it happens on all the difficulty levels.
The only way to fix this it the moment is to
1. use default fields
2. if you set your own fields, use a short mid on/ mid off or a long off/on. If you have them set at 'normal' mid on/off positions, the run outs are ridiculous.
Makes a change from Cricket 2002. I can't remember ever getting the CPU run out, sounds like they do it for fun now.
I found that is true on normal with the run outs. There wer two other bugs i noticed:

1) The last man when you have bowled a team out is always listed as out, no one is left not out. Why?

2) I played a first innings with a county side, batted then bowled, then for the 2nd innings I had to bat with the defaut team line up, rather than the one I had altered it to. This used to happen to the computer line ups in C2002. Why?

The run-outs bug totally guts the game, i ran out 6 guys in 42 overs, otherwise wickets were quite hard to come by.

The major Cricket2004 forums will be sending a list of the main bugs to EA and HBS and requesting that a patch is produced. All the above will be covered.
I just noticed that the run guide thing when the human is batting is often wrong, whereas in the old game it was accurate. The computer will use this when running as well, so it is no surprise that they can't judge a run. My guess is that if the run guide was fixed, then the computer teams wouldn't take suicidal singles like they do.
Another thing that annoyed me today about running.
I'd got two was going for 3 but changed my mind. The cpu then mis-fielded so I called the third again. My batsman waited until the fielder had picked up the ball and thrown it in (a good 3/4 seconds later) and then set off on a run which I couldn't cancel!
Anyone else had delayed runs which you then can't cancel?
colin, i have noticed that too, they are so slow when reacting to misfields...it is like you have to anticipate the misfield in order to take advantage of it, whcih could result in another dumb run out.

i might try the whole not using the run guide thing, see how that goes. the run guide is pretty pointless anyway. i was playing it at my friends house and there was only one run out for the CPU and he plays with the guide off. will test it sometime later this week since i barely have any time aside from now because of midterm exams...the joys of high school
i found the best solution to the run out bugs!! use manual fielding!! i'm just getting the hang of it now.....except when ball is going towards boundry tough to get fielder chasing it cause u cant see the man in the deep......but it'll make the game more challenging...and if they do take a stupid run u can choose not to throw the ball!!! good solution rite !!:D

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