cricket 2004 on pc


International Cricketer
Feb 17, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
cricket 2004 on pc HELP

Hi i have a pc at home and curreently own c2004 on the ps2 but i want ot get it on pc could anyone tell me what requirements i need and graphics and sound cards etc. could you also tell me whether my computer is fast enough.

Microscoft windows 98 Second edition 4.10.2222 A
Pentium (r) II Processor
64 mb of RAM
System resources 71% free
File system 32-bit
Virtual memory 32-bit
CD compression- not installed
Pc cards- No pc card sockets installed
Thanks for any help
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the graphics card is the most the game does not support onboard intel graphics, and voodoo.

Basically any 3D card that supports Direct X 9 and above will do.
As far as the other configs are concerned,
Any Sound Card that works with Direct X Sound.
Rest all standard.

Do download the patches from these sites: and
to remove/reduce some of the bugs in the game as well as make the game better in terms of gameplay and graphics.
Thanks so do you thing my Pc will able to play Cricket 2004 ok, i dont want to buy it and find out my PC cant handle it
Sure you need more RAM, m_vaughan said 128RAM, I would go up to 256RAM. As for pentium II, See if ur computer is over 750 MHz and the video card has its own 64MB memory.

m_vaughan is also correct as above. The game may run on ur system, but it may be very slow. I'm no tech pro, but I think you may need some upgrade.
how can i i get more Ram and how can i check the mhz of my pc
Hey brad just tried this, very sweet.

Only problem is it says I have no problems but I know I have. Damn systems always like chemistry you have to bang it to make it work.

Your helpful squiz. I got told off when I said someone should go fishing and use their computer as an anchor. (aka buy a better computer )
OK, I'm gonna make some predictions- Integrated Graphics
500 mhz Processor
my pc has 450mhz and i have just found that it is pentium 3 how much would ram cost to by in pounds is it woth it thanks
Do you have integrated graphics? (click the display tab in dxdiag)
And I was close for the processor :D
If you do have integrated graphics you might be better off taking madmattg's suggestion:
should go fishing and use their computer as an anchor. (aka buy a better computer )
it doesnt mention anything about intergrated graphics were should it say

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