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But Dbc 14 runs well on 1024*764 resolution
I think Dbc 17 requires high system requirements thats why i can't run it in less configuration
Ok thankx for help!!

What are your actual specs? Their might be a cheap-ish way to boost your computer if you have a decent CPU.

With the new graphics cards coming out we should see a price drop on everything, so it's getting cheaper and cheaper to get the components required to run a game like DBC14/17, which isn't that graphics intensive in all honesty.
What are your actual specs? Their might be a cheap-ish way to boost your computer if you have a decent CPU.

With the new graphics cards coming out we should see a price drop on everything, so it's getting cheaper and cheaper to get the components required to run a game like DBC14/17, which isn't that graphics intensive in all honesty.
4gb ddr2 ram
1gb graphic card
Dual core 2.5ghz cpu
Any more requirements???
Also something should be done about nose creation. All noses look long and skinny regardless of maximizing sliders. I know its not the final build, im just trying to help point stuff out.
The ranges change based on the ethnicity type chosen, you can go wider with some ethnicity types over others. Overall we still think even with the base 1/6 ethnicity if you maximise certain things like nostril position as well as size, root and bridge position you can get something that looks fairly wide while still staying in the realms of realism.
4gb ddr2 ram
1gb graphic card
Dual core 2.5ghz cpu
Any more requirements???

I need the actual names of your cpu and graphics card.

most viable upgrade path will be via a new graphics card if your CPU doesn't bottleneck it
@MattW do you not have aerobic and anaerobic fitness the wrong way around? Aerobic should be for short sprinting and Anaerobic for longer periods of time, if i recall my GCSE PE correctly anyway.

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