Cricket Revolution | A new Multiplay PC Game


School Cricketer
Mar 17, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
hi everyone,
came across this new game coming out called Cricket Revolution,

my thought: its got some decent graphics and cool featurelist, seems like they nailed the online experience.. like you can talk, add and make friend while u r online in the game and quickly host a game and play with anyone on the servers...sound interesting..
check it out and lets share ur thoughts too.
Looks pretty good. Especially as it's pretty much the first real Cricket online game. Looks very intelligent with the graphics, interface, ball tracker, overlay and a network meter.

Curious to why I haven't heard much of it yet, but will keep a close eye on it.

Nice find mate.
Looks really good but it looks alot like Ricky Ponting Cricket 2007. Will it be in stores? Because I will defiently consider buying this.
It looks very good. I'm surprised we haven't heard about this before.
Man this looks awesome,hopefully it does actullay get released.
Interesting indeed, but jeez it does look a lot like BLIC/RPIC07....??? Just like Cricket Life 07/08 looks like Codies outsourced their (graphics) engine??
can't say much about that legendmaster.. surely gives an interesting look.. and i have to agree with ilovegilly, intelligent approach interms of graphics... will keep and eye on it.
Its looking quite good :) but the GFX is very similar to Codemasters ;)
Hmm, looks cracking. Hope it isn't too pricey or high-end though, my comp may not be able to handle it...
Looks like quality. Any idea whether it will be released in India?

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