Cricket2004 - Opening Crash - Help?!

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Club Cricketer
Jan 2, 2004
Right, I managed to get hold of Cricket 2004. I have installed it, once I came to run the game, the intro EA credit thing crashes and I cannot go any further then to restart the machine..


1.2Ghz AMD
10GB of free HD space
GeForce 4 mx/mmx 440 64meg
Windows XP

I have also tryed re-installing, un-installing etc.. Still the same problem..

I have the latest GFX drivers and the latest verson of DirectX.. Any Assistance given would be massivly aprecated..
I'm no computer hardware expert but try to get the latest drivers for your processor. Otherwise it could be something wrong with your video capture device or something.
Ouch...youve got me worried system is similar to yours.
From what youve told its not clear whther it hangs or crashes.
What motherboard are you using? Via KT 266/266A?
Have you got Via 4in1 drivers installed (in case you are on VIA board)? They are available from . Try lower versions first. Having latest drivers is not always the best. For a GF4MX i'd recommend you try Detonator 45.23. Via 4in1 v. 4.38 for via kt266 mobo.

What soundcard do you have? What DirectX version? Other games running fine? Did you try Direct Draw & Direct3D diagnostics from dxdiag?

Also you can try reducing sound hardware acceleration from dxdiag to basic acceleration or no acceleration and then try the game.

If these dont work try disabling AGP Fastwrites from BIOS setup. That doesnt work, try running at AGP 2x rather than 4x. (You can also change these settings using NVMax or Rivatuner instead of BIOS setup).

I'll wait for your response before getting the game.

PS: Dont try these if you are not comfortable tweaking the system. Done carefully it wont burn your computer but then .... "done carefully".
Uh forgot this, run a complete virus can as well with latest updates and close every program running in the background (like instant messengers/firewalls/wallpaper changers etc.) while running the game.
Try AVG 6 Free Edition if you're looking for a good freeware antivirus program.
If anyone can help this is the information in the EaSy Technicial program.. I have ommited my serial number & IP address..

Hope someone can help..


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Detonator you shouldnt jump at the latest drivers. 53.03 is not good at all for GF4MX.

Try stopping zonealarm and norton from running in the background (incidentally both are resource hungry and you might consider replacing them with sygate and avg in the long run). And btw have you also installed PCCillin?

Have you installed via 4in1 or havent you? Basically the board should work straight out of the box in WinXP but its worth a try.

Try keeping desktop resolution same as the game resolution. Did you reduce the sound hardware aceleration level?

Hope someone can help..

Hope you try these :/ you arent using any nocd/backup cd cracks are you?
The game is totaly genuine..

I have tryed all of your ideas apart from lowering the GFX drivers, which VIA drivers do you recommend for my K133a Mobo?

The thing is, I changed somthing, the game ran, I though, what a fluke! So a reset the PC, put the setting back what I did, then it crashes :(
The thing is, I changed somthing, the game ran, I though, what a fluke! So a reset the PC, put the setting back what I did, then it crashes


Are other games running fine?
which VIA drivers do you recommend for my K133a Mobo?

Who is the manufacturer? Asus? I'd say try the ones that came with the motherboard cd, or some later version close to the cd driver version. Like my motherboard came with via4in1 v 4.34 cd and I find v 4.37/4.38 most suited for my system. Because by that version, bugs in KT266A were mostly identifined and rectified while later versions (4.45+ I think) were more performance enhancing for KT333 based chipsets.

A Google Groups (Usenet) serach can give you a pretty good idea as to the best driver for your chipset.
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I think I will check out those beta via drivers, ive used them before, worked a treat, not with Cricket 2004, well im going to try them again..
do you have sound in your pC? and is it working fine? because when my sound card wasnt installed it didnt work.
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