Dean Jones sacked after 'terrorist' remark

Yeah. I mean I joke about with my muslim friends about different things, like if someone or somethings made him angry he tends to say he'd blow them/it up. We all know he's joking but he takes advantage of it being a bit risky which makes it hilarious. Like the majority of comedians out there are doing at the moment.

Ohmad Djalili for example, because he's Iranian gets away with a lot of jokes about terrorism and islam that a Brit or an American etc would never get away with.

Well it can be a fine line about whether its a joke or whether its hurtful. You must make sure that the person your saying too is oaky with them doing it.

Jones said it when Amla was on the field playing so when he heard hurt Jones had said it to him in the commentry box then he would of rightfully taken offense. Jones did say he made a mistake saying it and he apologized to him afterwards.
I'm sure if Jones would have said it when they both were having a friendly conversation, he would not have minded.
Ohmad Djalili for example, because he's Iranian gets away with a lot of jokes about terrorism and islam that a Brit or an American etc would never get away with.

On a side note, he is the most annoying person in the world.
Dean Jones could not have picked a worse time or place to say it.

Hashim Amla obviously wasn't okay with it and it was a stupid move. However, I agree that comedy these days is offensive whether to an audience or between friends and rightly so since offensive are the funniest (in my opinion).

I would need a calculator to count how many racist, stereotypical jokes I've been on the receiving end of e.g. Why are black men so fast? Because the slow ones are in jail. You even learn to make jokes at your own expense. I give as good as I get as well. It's just a bit of fun. But, these jokes are between friends so for Jones to say it about Amla was stupid, quite frankly.
Dean Jones could not have picked a worse time or place to say it.

Hashim Amla obviously wasn't okay with it and it was a stupid move. However, I agree that comedy these days is offensive whether to an audience or between friends and rightly so since offensive are the funniest (in my opinion).

I would need a calculator to count how many racist, stereotypical jokes I've been on the receiving end of e.g. Why are black men so fast? Because the slow ones are in jail. You even learn to make jokes at your own expense. I give as good as I get as well. It's just a bit of fun. But, these jokes are between friends so for Jones to say it about Amla was stupid, quite frankly.

Yeah true, for instance I get a lot of stick for being Welsh, and at times you got to laugh at yourself, and my mates take the mick, but I'm ok with it because it's a joke but sometimes it crosses the line, like once someone said to me "Gosh, I'd kill myself if I was Welsh", not jokingly, and the whole class were like quiet, knowing it was over the line.

PS: Omad Djalili is quite funny in my opinion, but at times I'm like can you move away from the Iranian issue, it's more credible and funnier if you stop playing that card so often/
canadian guy Azfar Ali, his mother is Indian and dad Pakistani.

"Mother: you know why you got that job? becuase your Indian and smart. You know why you got that speeding ticket? becuase your Pakistani and corrupt"
Hell, I make jokes about myself being a terrorist with my friends because it is a longstanding joke that the US immigration officials think anyone with brown skin and a beard is a terrorist (it is of course not true that they think that).

You know, the important point was made halfway through this thread. Amla accepted Jones' apology and that's that.
Lee wanted to give his view after taking a year to decide it,
Yeah. I mean I joke about with my muslim friends about different things, like if someone or somethings made him angry he tends to say he'd blow them/it up. We all know he's joking but he takes advantage of it being a bit risky which makes it hilarious. Like the majority of comedians out there are doing at the moment.

Ohmad Djalili for example, because he's Iranian gets away with a lot of jokes about terrorism and islam that a Brit or an American etc would never get away with.
Australian comedian Akmal Saleh, who was born in Egypt, makes fun of fellow Arabs and the way many white people hate them all the time. If you own the territory, you can say whatever you want about it.

Hundreds of Jewish people in the world write in Jewish jokes, making fun of 'Yiddish Mothers' and throwing in Hebrew for cheap laughs with other Jews.

But if you say something about another religion or race or culture, you are being hateful. Certainly though, there's a big jump from action to intent.

Many people have no racist intentions, they just say things to be funny. I doubt that Jones was referring to Boje, because he conceded guilt already, but the truth is, whilst it's a stupid comment, he may not hate Amla or his kind either.
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Umm.. everyone realise this is like a year old story?

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