

School Cricketer
Dec 27, 2011
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Online Cricket Games Owned
*Included a TL;DR(too long; didn't read)


Discussion thread. Don't be fooled by the introduction >_>


Hi! guys.

Archer McKinley speaking.. and, you probably don't know me.
I'm fairly new to Planet Cricket but am hopeful of having a long and delightful stay. I hail from Chennai, Tamil Nadu and am deeply interested in the sport(ya' know the one :)).

Anyway, enough with this introduction thingy. Let me proceed to explain the purpose of this thread.


As the title clearly suggests, I've been wondering about the lack of debates (proper ones, not who's better than who >.>) in a cricket forum such as this. My brief browsing around the forums revealed that there was an attempt to make such debates back 2009. But since then there have been a rare few and none followed a standard procedural system.

To cut a long story shot, I'd like to, with your approval of course - conduct debates on various subjects concerned with the game we love(ya' know). I've referred to various popular debating sites on the internet and have come up with a system that should ensure friendly, yet grueling "team" debates.


Given below is how the system works(it's just an example, mind you)..

The subject of the debate followed by a description or reason for the debate

Debate: Is Ricky Ponting's place in the Australian team justified?

Ricky Ponting, regarded by many- as the greatest Australian batsmen after Sir Donald Bradman has of-late been in very poor form. Many legends of the game have in-fact called for his retirement. Now this has lead to a burning question in the minds of Aussie fans, does Rick deserve his place in the side? Or should he step aside and make way for youngsters eagerly awaiting a spot in the national team? You decide.

There will be a poll that will mostly consist of two options. In this case, YES and NO.

Those willing to take part in the debate can start of with something like this..


What will be written in place of this wall of text is of course the voters' debate on the topic. He will put-forth his case, argue of over facts that are highlighted etc..

There will be limitation in time, say a day or two. In the end, the side that wins the debate will be decided by votes.


It follows an open debate system. I was planning on restrictions such as three debaters per team(or something like that) and was looking forward to a viewers vote being based on his opinion of the debater, rather than his own.

I'm still working on this system. I'm very welcome to suggestions, and in-fact would prefer if we could sit down and discuss a system we're all agreed on. These debates can turn out to be very exciting if you ask me, and will also be quality content for Planet Cricket. Speak up!



*Hi! I'm Archer McKinley
*Lack of -proper- debates on Planet Cricket comes as a bit of a surprise
*Attempting to revive friendly debates
*Based on 'open debates' system
*Welcome to discuss other procedural systems

~Archer McKinley
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