EA and pre-release interview honesty


Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
Here's a post I made a while ago that some of our newer members may not have seen...

Here are some extracts from an interview Andrew gave, for everyones entertainment: (interview from cricket2002.tk)

We?ve heard you have something called the ?World League?. Is this only for the English and Australian club teams or can we choose international sides as well?

This mode involves management aspects such as buying and selling players along with playing matches. Since this cannot be implemented for International sides, currently this feature supports only the domestic teams

If the game keeps to the scheduled release date of Dec 12 can we expect a demo 2-3 weeks before Dec 12? Any time frame for a demo would be great.

We are currently on a very tight development schedule, but will be working to get a demo out before launch.

We were unable to include rain in Cricket 2002 but we?re happy to inform everyone that the DL rule has been fully implemented in Cricket 2004 and rain will as you pointed out, realistically affect gameplay.

Can fast bowlers finally bowl really fast? Like 94+ mph and can they swing the ball?

Yes, yes and yes. Satisfied? See?we do listen to our customers (chuckles)

Is any kind of career or franchise mode implemented? Can you play a whole season of tests and ODIs with a team?

Sure can. I?m really proud to say that we?ve added greatly to the depth and wealth of gaming options and gamers will be occupied for many, many hours

Does the CPU still never bowl no balls?

Given the new stat database?there will be no balls

Will the file formats for graphics and other files remain the same as for Cricket2002 on the PC?

Yes, they will be similar.

How much do you listen to Cricket gamers, and are you able to integrate any of their suggestions into the new version?

They are our life blood?not to mention that we are all cricket gamers ourselves. Many members of the development team have been building cricket games for nearly ten years. So we try and integrate as much as possible. There are always things that we would love to get in, but realise that there is a lot of work relative to the affect on gameplay so we focus on something else instead.

Thank you for your time. Is there anything else about the game you?d like to mention that we didn?t touch on?

Please buy cricket 2004?my job depends on it?and I am not joking.

Are we sure EA didn't release the wrong game by accident cos I can't see much relationship between those promises and the game I have...

Here's some more:

and some more from the Cricket Web interview:

Also, will all domestic competitions be included eg: 20Twenty Cup, ING Cup, etc. And will their be an option to play as both a domestic team & a test team over the course of a season (ala International Cricket Captain)?

AW: Yes to all of the above but no 20twenty.

CW: Will the game include the capacity to save statistics for players in all tournaments/forms of the game, as in Shane Warne/Brian Lara cricket 99, or just over the course of a tournament as in Cricket 2002?

AW: Yes, everything will be tracked.

CW: I have heard rumors of a challenge mode, which sets you tasks, eg: score 200 with 3 wickets remaining, can you confirm?

AW: Unfortunately it came down to full Stat Tracking or Challenge Mode... Stat tracking won.

The confidence may be brought down when facing a particularly good bowler

I will believe it when I see it but in the meantime I refuse to buy the products of a company that systematically lies to its customers.
Disgraceful...i remember all these interviews, thats what got me so excited about the game :rolleyes:
Bloody hell! The comment he made that it was up to us to believe what they told us recently (not forgetting we should 'stand by' them ofcourse!), makes me laugh even more now...
andrew told us here that there would be no rain in cricket 2005, but with an interview with eaplay he told them that rain had been included in cricket 2005.
the only reason i would buy this game is because it will have better graphics and hopefully will be somethin different for bowlers with the new HUD since cricket 2004 was a bowlers worst nightmare.
there is no rain in odis but I think it is there (sometimes never ending) in tests.
someone should email that to EA and see what their rseponce is.

or it should have been emailed with one of that batch of questions with the question "why should we beleive you this time?"
Andrew never seems to chage. Thanks Colin for reminding us all about the previous debacles or is it a honesty check?
EAUK_Sentience said:
I'm not sure what you mean by "rain in odi".

This is what an EA Admin has posted on the official 2005 site

He doesn't know what is meant by is there rain in ODI ? :rolleyes: :mad
zimrahil said:
This is what an EA Admin has posted on the official 2005 site

He doesn't know what is meant by is there rain in ODI ? :rolleyes: :mad

guess it'll be similer statement if asked on good ai, beta testing etc :D
It's amazing to see how Andrew Wilson thinks (Or doesn't it would seem)
He thinks he can feed lies about Cricket 2004 and then that we will believe him for cricket 2005!
what he say just think that its going to be in the other version like he said 2004 he means 2005 we are going to put these kinda stuff thats ok workes dont work hard go hang out with yur girl friend we have one year to think we wll add these stuff in later

thats wht might he think who andrew wilson

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