"Edges from spinner" favour request


Club Cricketer
Mar 24, 2004
Kidderminster, Engla
Online Cricket Games Owned


While helping The_gas test an AI patch, I believe I have found a solution to the problem that occurs from edges to spinners - namely the ball flies off at the same pace as for quicks. I know Tutsi was experiencing this.

Now, the problem is that in the config editor, the label "Edge fast 2" has been assigned to the section that relates to spinners. (Don't yet know what effect the "Edge spin default", "Edge spin 1" and "Edge spin 2" has).

What I am asking you guys to try for me, is inserting the values given at the bottom of the post into "Edge fast 2" and seeing what happens when the CPU edges the ball. I can force myself to edge quite happily and the ball is sometimes caught and sometimes missed by the keeper / slip.

At the moment, I personally cannot generate an edge from the CPU batsman. Incidentally, I get loads of bat / pads. Do not be deceived by these as they generally head in front of the wicket. These should all end up in the vicinity of the keeper and slip.

Thanks in advance for your help. Please post any results you have, and if ANYBODY wants to use these values (assuming they really do work) - do so with my pleasure!

Currently, all KeyFrames contain the same values for power, direction etc. They will probably need tweaking to take shot timing into account. Also, in the course of my investigation, I have set the power values of the Edge default, Edge spin 1 and Edge spin 2 to 0. Whether this has any effect on the outcome remains to be seen.

Mode Normal KeyFrame 0
Frame 29
Vertical 117606336
Direction 025227626 DirectionArea 21464736
Power 639262 PowerArea 1289262

Mode Normal KeyFrame 1
Frame 32
Vertical 117606336
Direction 025227626 DirectionArea 21464736
Power 639262 PowerArea 1289262

Mode Normal KeyFrame 2
Frame 36
Vertical 117606336
Direction 025227626 DirectionArea 21464736
Power 639262 PowerArea 1289262

Mode Normal KeyFrame 3
Frame 39
Vertical 117606336
Direction 025227626 DirectionArea 21464736
Power 639262 PowerArea 1289262

Mode Normal KeyFrame 4
Frame 41
Vertical 117606336
Direction 025227626 DirectionArea 21464736
Power 639262 PowerArea 1289262
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Yea i tested this John and couldnt get an edge against the cpu with my spinners, however i did get two edges with steve harmison both of which fell quite along way short of the slip cordon.
FishBowlMan said:
Currently, all KeyFrames contain the same values for power, direction etc.

never heard something like a perfectly-timed edge..:p i.e.i guess they ought to have same values for all key-frames.
I think that the perfectly timed edges are the ones that are really connect smoothly of the edge of the bat......:p ;)

They should have extra power,etc.

And the very early and very late key frames should have a very high direction area as even in real life,these edges can go anywhere....but the perfect,early and late key frames should have a low direction area as they simply must go to the slip cordon lol.;)

I'll experiment a bit with these settings and post my finds here.
The_gas said:
Yea i tested this John and couldnt get an edge against the cpu with my spinners, however i did get two edges with steve harmison both of which fell quite along way short of the slip cordon.

Yeah - I noticed that as well. Maybe this setting is for ALL front foot shots - not just for spinners. In that case, we may be back to square 1.

Pat said:
never heard something like a perfectly-timed edge..:p i.e.i guess they ought to have same values for all key-frames.

Sounds fair. Having said that, the values relate to the timing of the shot that has been played - not the timing of the edge. An edge from a drive played at the correct time would possibly go in a different direction than an edge from a drive played too early / too late.
FishBowlMan said:
I believe I have found a solution to the problem that occurs from edges to spinners

I now believe I was talking out of my hat - to coin a phrase.

I have tried many settings involving changing bowler types, power, etc and no matter what settings I use, it appears that an edge generated by a mis-timed front foot drive always uses 'Edge Fast 2' no matter what the bowler type. As I can only allocate 1 set of values for each KeyFrame, it appears we can have realistic edges to pacemen, or to spinners, but not to both. I did manage some values that led to a good percentage of chances taken for both, but it looked terrible on the screen!

Apologies for wasting everyone's time, and thanks to those who did look into it.

If anyone else has any idea how these things work, please let me know as it is starting to annoy me now.
Lol yep John id also like to announce defeat in my honourable quest to decrease the speed of edge for spinners.

I am now considering taking up life as a devout monk ;0


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