Editing Players




In Team Management - I edit a player I have created by doing a Base Copy and just updating his stats and then adding him into the Team again replacing a different player. I then goto Delete my old player but I can never pick the right one and usually end up deleting the one I just edited. The new player doesnt appear to appear in the list on the delete player screen in any order, sometimes it above my original player and sometimes its below. Usually I delete the bottom player and see what happens first, if it failsI go back, re-do the changes and then delete the top player of mine.

Can anyone shed some light on an easier way to either edit a player and overwrite itself OR edit a player and then be able to pick which player it is in the Delete Player screen?

I have tried changing the name slightly by adding a space between initials etc but that then removes my records in the Hall of Fame.

Thanks in advance.
Base copy; edit the player; add to database over the player you want to replace. The player who appears in your delete list is the edited one. If you delete him you will be back to your original one.
Thanks for the reply. the issue I have however is when I re-edit a player I have already created.

I wasnt sure if I worded the whole thing right...

I create A.Player and replace someone on the list (eg: M.Hayden) so now my player is part of the team.
I play some games and record this players stats and now want to update him.
I go in, do a base copy of A.Player and update the stats only. I exit out and then go to "Add to Database" and add the new updated A.Player in. You cant seem to just replace the old A.Player cause it gives an error so I replace another player (eg: B.Hogg). I now have 2x A.Player's on the team. I then goto the Delete Player section and in the list it has: 1. A.Player and 2. A.Player. I select number 2 and hit delete. I check which one was deleted and its the newly edited one. I then go through the process again but this time delete number 1 player. That then works.

However, I have found that the very next time I do the same thing and go straight away to delete Player 1 it isnt the right one that time around.

Get my drift? I was then wondering if there is a way to tell which one I should delete? or if there is an easier way to update the player stats.
do a base copy of A.Player then delete A.Player then Add to Database where you put him last tme.
Thanks squiz..... cant believe that is the one thing I havent tried..

I feel like a real dick. Thanks tho!
boy you must be pretty dedicated to record all stats and feed them back in....ea sports should have considered changing stats if they even included them in the first place....really strange.. i guess they only have that feature in case they have forgotten to add an important player

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