Fielding Bug in Cricket 2004


Club Cricketer
Apr 16, 2002
Charni Road, Bombay
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi Buddies How are you? I dont know whether you mention it previously or not but I want to. Cricket 2004 has some very funny fielding.
1) Like when a ball hits a batsman leg or body ensure you have one run because the wicket keeper takes time to collect the ball and throws it to the bowler, not bothering to throw at batsman stump which is very nearest to him. Wow What a commitment.

2) Even a bowler doesnt like to field the ball which is defended very nicely or hit the batsman's body. His duty is to stand behind the stump and wait for the ball which will be thrown towards him by any other fielder.

3) When spinner is bowling and the ball hits your leg or your body, again its a run. Thanks to wicket keeper because he is helping you by moving towards the ball very slowly and picking it up as if he thinks the bastam has 110 yards to run for a run and throwing it very delicately towrads bowler, again not to his nearest stump. Wow what a fielding.

4) Overthrow is very funny. You hit a shot to a cover and fielder stops it just at the boundry line and throws it with his extraaaaaaaa strong arm so it reaches the other side of boundry at leg side. No fielders are worried to stop the ball, even it is stoppable. All fielders are standing quietly and letting the ball go as some Minister is passing there. And the end result you get 6 runs very easily. Thanks to the fielder.

5) When you are sweeping the ball, and its going to deep fine leg, the leg slip fielder is running behind the ball to stop it rather than the deep fine leg fielder who is standing there dreaming about his girl friend rather than doing his duty to stop the ball.Great Commitment again.

And there are many like these I cannot mention it here. So just tell me Would you like the EA Sports to bluff us like these crappy game, They are making cricket from many years why dont they learn from their previous mistakes and improve it.
I think they know that there is no other company who is making cricket, as previously Codemaster was making it. Now they too stopped. So no competitions. Hence they think if the cricket fans want cricket accept it what they give or else do other **** things.
I feel there should be other companies too start developing cricket game

What you feel like? Please tell me
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Originally posted by manojkumar_ms
Hi Buddies How are you? Okay I dont know whether you mention it previously or not but I want to. Cricket 2004 has some very funny fielding.
1) Like when a ball hits a batsman leg or body ensure you have one run because the wicket keeper takes time to collect the ball and throw it to the bowler not bothering to throw at batsman stump which is very nearest to him. Wow What a commitment.

2) Even a bowler doesnt like to field the ball which is defended very nicely or hit the batsman's body. His duty is to stand behind the stump and wait for the ball which will be thrown towards him by any other fielder.

3) When spinner is bowling and the ballhits your leg or your body again ita a run. Thanks to wicket keeper because he is helping you by moving towards the ball very slowly and picking it up as if he thinks the bastam has 110 yards to run for a run and throwing it very delicately. Wow what a fielding.

4) Overthrow is very funny. You hit a shot to a cover and fielder stops it just inside a boundry line and throws it wiht his extraaaaaaaa strong arm so it reaches the other side of boundry at leg side. No fielder is worried to stop the ball even it is stoppable. All fielders are standing quietly and letting the ball go as some Minister is passing there.And the end result you get 6 runs very easily. Thanks to the fielder.

5) When you are sweeping the ball and its going to deep fine leg the leg slip fielder is running behind the ball to stop it rather than the deep fine leg fielder who is standing there dreaming about his girl friend rather than doing his duty to stop the ball.Great Commitment again.

And there are many like these I cannot mention it here. So just tell me Would you like the EA Sports to bluff us like these crappy game, They are making cricket from nay years why dont they learn from there previous mistake and improve it.
I think they know that there is no other company who is making cricket as previously Codemaster was making it. Now they too stopped. So no competitions. Hence they think if the cricket fans want cricket accept it what they give or else do other **** things.
I feel there should be other companies too strat developing

cricket game

What you feel like? Please tell me

your punctuation, grammer and spelling are awful old chap:D

The overthrown thing occurs when the ball crosses the boundry when your fielder throws btw
No other companies make cricket games because the target audience is small = not enough profit.
Originally posted by manojkumar_ms
Hi Buddies How are you? I dont know whether you mention it previously or not but I want to. Cricket 2004 has some very funny fielding.
1) Like when a ball hits a batsman leg or body ensure you have one run because the wicket keeper takes time to collect the ball and throws it to the bowler, not bothering to throw at batsman stump which is very nearest to him. Wow What a commitment.

2) Even a bowler doesnt like to field the ball which is defended very nicely or hit the batsman's body. His duty is to stand behind the stump and wait for the ball which will be thrown towards him by any other fielder.

3) When spinner is bowling and the ball hits your leg or your body, again its a run. Thanks to wicket keeper because he is helping you by moving towards the ball very slowly and picking it up as if he thinks the bastam has 110 yards to run for a run and throwing it very delicately towrads bowler, again not to his nearest stump. Wow what a fielding.

4) Overthrow is very funny. You hit a shot to a cover and fielder stops it just at the boundry line and throws it with his extraaaaaaaa strong arm so it reaches the other side of boundry at leg side. No fielders are worried to stop the ball, even it is stoppable. All fielders are standing quietly and letting the ball go as some Minister is passing there. And the end result you get 6 runs very easily. Thanks to the fielder.

5) When you are sweeping the ball, and its going to deep fine leg, the leg slip fielder is running behind the ball to stop it rather than the deep fine leg fielder who is standing there dreaming about his girl friend rather than doing his duty to stop the ball.Great Commitment again.

And there are many like these I cannot mention it here. So just tell me Would you like the EA Sports to bluff us like these crappy game, They are making cricket from many years why dont they learn from their previous mistakes and improve it.
I think they know that there is no other company who is making cricket, as previously Codemaster was making it. Now they too stopped. So no competitions. Hence they think if the cricket fans want cricket accept it what they give or else do other **** things.
I feel there should be other companies too start developing cricket game

What you feel like? Please tell me

Well I was criticised on here because I think the fielding is poor in C2K4, but was told by a senior member that you should just ignore it because it wasn't important.

However, getting new faces into the game however, is deemed important because that of course greatly improves gameplay and realism.

Also having fielders dive all over the place is very unrealistic, looks like they're swimming...but this doesn't effect anything substantial, unlike the previous criticism which can change the course of a game.
Also having fielders dive all over the place is very unrealistic, looks like they're swimming...but this doesn't effect anything substantial, unlike the previous criticism which can change the course of a game.

Maybe they should use the diving Cricket 2004 fielders in future swimming games. :rolleyes:

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