Forum Rules and Guidlines

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You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

This forum exists to facilitate the public exchange of information about the game of Cricket. However, the administrator of the website retains the right to delete any messages or threads deemed inappropriate (e.g. off-topic, flame and offensive) by himself or his designated moderators.

Rules and Guidelines

Use descriptive subject lines & research your post.
This reduces the chances of double-posting and it also makes it easier for people to see what they do/don't want to read. Also, scan the subjects of the last several days' posts to make sure you aren't duplicating posts.

Keep the focus.
Each forum has a focus on a certain topic. Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved to the appropriate forum, closed, or simply be deleted. Please post your topic in the most appropriate forum.

Zero tolerance on piracy.
Posting links to warez sites and program cracks are not allowed on the forum. Anyone found guilty of participating in piracy activity on the forum will be banned and reported to the concerned authorities.

Spam is not tolerated.
Spam is considered posting topics or messages on our forums that contain no point, relevance, or contain subject matter that doesn't directly allow other member participation. Topics directed to a particular user, posting several times consecutively as an appendage to ONE post, and posts in threads that have NOTHING to do with the subject matter are all considered spam and will be deleted on sight. Contributing to/or intentionally posting spam will not be tolerated.

Keep your signature brief.
This forum has a signature feature that allows you to "sign" your posts with a customized block of text. However, large signatures that take up more than 5 lines and one picture (not more than 250x200) are not permitted. Everyone would agree that people are much more interested in reading your ideas than looking at your signature. It's annoying to see posts that have signatures that are much bigger than the messages in the post. Please keep your signature brief.

Behave as you would in a public location.
This forum is no different than a public place. Behave yourself and act like a decent human being. If you're unable to do so, you're not welcome here and will be made to leave.

Respect the authority of moderators
Public discussions of moderator actions are not allowed on the forum. It is also prohibited to protest moderator actions in titles, avatars, and signatures. If you don't like something that a moderator did, PM or email the moderator and try your best to resolve the problem or difference in private.

Your rights to Freedom of Speech don't apply here.
You are welcome to have opinions. You are welcome to question certain subject matter posted on these forums. You are welcome to dislike a certain post or disagree with it. Though we typically condone people to express their opinions and ideas, we have the right to delete yours if necessary, should we consider it abusive.

Advertising and solicitations are NOT permitted.
Posting of advertisements, chain letters, and solicitations are inappropriate on this forum. You are ONLY permitted to advertise your site in your signature. However the admin reserves the right to remove any such advertising at his discretion.

Multiple accounts prohibited
The creation and use of multiple user accounts by any person is strictly prohibited.

We reserve the right to change these policies at any time.
Ignorance is no excuse. All future changes will be made in this thread. It is YOUR responsibility to read announcements regarding policy changes.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in removal of your posting privileges.
Depending on the severity of your violation and the number of times you have previously violated the Forum Guidelines, the admin may choose to suspend your posting privileges or terminate your account.
Zero tolerance on piracy.
Posting links to warez sites and program cracks are not allowed on the forum. Anyone found guilty of participating in piracy activity on the forum will be banned and reported to the concerned authorities.

Spam is not tolerated.
Spam is considered posting topics or messages on our forums that contain no point, relevance, or contain subject matter that doesn't directly allow other member participation. Topics directed to a particular user, posting several times consecutively as an appendage to ONE post, and posts in threads that have NOTHING to do with the subject matter are all considered spam and will be deleted on sight. Contributing to/or intentionally posting spam will not be tolerated.

Keep your signature brief.
This forum has a signature feature that allows you to \"sign\" your posts with a customized block of text.? However, large signatures that take up more than 5 lines and one picture (not more than 250x200) are not permitted.?? Everyone would agree that people are much more interested in reading your ideas than looking at your signature. It's annoying to see posts that have signatures that are much bigger than the messages in the post. Please keep your signature brief.

Respect the authority of moderators
Public discussions of moderator actions are not allowed on the forum. It is also prohibited to protest moderator actions in titles, avatars, and signatures. If you don't like something that a moderator did, PM or email the moderator and try your best to resolve the problem or difference in private.

I am aware that despite our best efforts many of you dont read the rules.

Due to repeated violations of the above rules of the forum recently the following will be in effect immediately:

A serious offence will get you a permanent ban, no questions asked.

If you disregard a warning given to you by a moderator you will be banned temporarily or permanently at the discretion of the mods and admin.

Thank you for helping us keep the forum a great and safe place for Cricket and Cricket 2002/04 lovers to meet and have fun.

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