France cheat their way into the World Cup

Ireland have asked for a rematch, but Trappattoni doesn't expect it to happen.

It's a real shame, it's not like it was just a friendly, the winner of that match would qualify for the bloody world cup.

Personally, i think Henry should be thrown out of the World Cup, and, although it won't happen, a re-match at Wembley would be great.
Shame for the Irish but this is the great thing about sport: it makes you fume and smoke but it is part of that great roller-coaster ride that is part of sport. There are so many examples of cheating that people have gotten away with in all parts of life. It is frustrating but it is also a part of it.
Like I say, I probably would've done it as well. It was instinct, which is something that takes over actual thinking. I don't believe he purposefully did it, just a natural reaction.
It's a disgrace. I hope Henry is kicked out of the French team. Used to respect him for his talent, now he'll just be remebered for that hand ball.

I hope a re-match happens, but it won't :(

A team score a goal that takes them to the World Cup, I highly doubt that they're players are going to explain to the ref why it shouldn't have counted. It was the linesman's job to spot it and he didn't. If it counts, you don't complain, especially when so much is at stake. Yes I feel sorry for Ireland but refs/linesmen fail to spot these things all the time - I highly doubt they'll replay the match.
A team score a goal that takes them to the World Cup, I highly doubt that they're players are going to explain to the ref why it shouldn't have counted. It was the linesman's job to spot it and he didn't. If it counts, you don't complain, especially when so much is at stake. Yes I feel sorry for Ireland but refs/linesmen fail to spot these things all the time - I highly doubt they'll replay the match.

This Exactly!
Don't blame Henry at all, because in that split second most would have done the same thing, its down to the muppets that run things ffs either use more officials, or tv replays, its not rocket science, some of these players will never get another chance to play in a world cup finals, its a joke that in this day and age things like this are still happening.
do you actually know? have you actually done a mass survey and asked people would they have done the same thing? Or is it just a generalization?
I'm talking about the part where he said that most people would do the same, how can we actually tell? Personally I think it may as such have been instinct but there was definite intention. He is a professional, he knows the rules and he even admitted it. They main thing that annoys me is the celebration afterwards!
Do you actually no they wouldnt, all i am saying in that split second your not really thinking about what your doing, its just a natural reaction to stick your hand out to stop the ball, and in my opinion more would have done it than not.
From what I saw Henry didn't celebrate that much. The rest of the French squad did but from replays it seems Henry just slowly gets up from behind the goal and walks back. I may be wrong though, I didn't see it live.
Definatly knocked the ball back with the second touch,and maybe he did know what he was doing then, but if the decision would have been made using technology, as it should have been, there wouldnt be any arguements, far too much at stake for things like this to keep happening.

gougie added 5 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

Anyone remember this a few years back?

BBC SPORT | FOOTBALL█ | Di Canio wins Fair Play award

That's what you call sportsmanship.

Great bit of sportsmanship, sadly all too rare, but can also remember him cheating for sheff wed against barnsley,think that was some kind of handball, costing us a point lol.
Yes, agreed. Video replays need to be used for things like goals, just like they're used for tries in Rugby.
If it meant your team getting into the World Cup, then I'm pretty sure most players would do it, that's not to say they should, but if it had been the other way around, or even say England won the World Cup through a goal like that, there would not have been the condemnation that there has been on here. The fault lies with the ref and linesmen, they should have spotted it.

As for a replay, as much as it sounds a good idea, and would be justice, shouldn't happen (and won't I'm sure), it opens up a massive can of worms, every time a decision goes against a team, they'd be claiming for the match to be replayed. Just not practical.

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