Fraps crashes C2K4


International Cricketer
Aug 12, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Has anybody had problems running Fraps 2.31 and C2K4? C2K4 crashes when I have fraps 2.31 running. It does not crash while loading but will crash suddenly during the game. I just wanted to see if someone had such a problem and it was not just system specific. I have tried running C2K4 without Fraps running and it works fine so I know that Fraps is the culprit here.

Fraps 1.9 works fine but I have to play 800x600 to capture full screen video/images. Can anyone help? I am running Windows XP Pro. on dell dimension 2400 with 768MB RAM and Nvidia 128 MB Geforce FX 5200 video card.
It crashes my game when I quit with Fraps still running. I get round this by alt-tabbing ingame and quitting Fraps before I quit c2k4.
I do what Barmyarmy does as when i try to quit to desktop it will just freeze so i ctrl alt delete and exits fraps.
Looks like the installation of Fraps 2.31 was not done properly. I uninstalled and reinstalled it. Now it doesn't crash the game (not so far) but I am not able to exit C2K4 but I guess I will have to do the same as what you guys do.

barmyarmy said:
It crashes my game when I quit with Fraps still running. I get round this by alt-tabbing ingame and quitting Fraps before I quit c2k4.
I don't get this trouble, but when I Alt-Tab and resume the game becomes excessively slow. It takes 20 second for response of a button press and all that.
Ajit said:
I don't get this trouble, but when I Alt-Tab and resume the game becomes excessively slow. It takes 20 second for response of a button press and all that.

sounds like that might be ure pc specs, what ram and cpu you got? defragmented recently?
Mine still doesn't work :(
Or it does, but when I start fraps and start the game, I click on F10 to take screens and the game just quits :(
h-mAin said:
Mine still doesn't work :(
Or it does, but when I start fraps and start the game, I click on F10 to take screens and the game just quits :(

yup same here :(
as soon as I hit the hot key my game crashes :mad
is there a way to solve this problem or
is there a substitute program ???? :hpraise
Thats like mine although i have fraps 1.9A as that is the one that works for me. It crashes sometimes so i have to end cricket 2004 with ctrl alt del. Not too much u can do if u want to take screenshots unless fraps releases a fix which i'm sure they won't with c04 not been that important.
Im not sure why it does this when you quit the game or how to remove the problem but to avoid it use Alt-Tab to get out of the game back to Windows and then close it using Control-Alt-Del and End Task on Cricket 2004.


EDIT as it seems Colin has said a few posts up!
EDIT2 and as msamina has pointed out below, theres no excuse for quiting the game and having to restart now!
Shake_12 said:
my does the same thing when i wanna quit i am not able it freezes i have to restart which i don't want to do.. can any one help me i really dun get why it does it wif me and not wif my friends?

Keep another window open in the background before starting the game. When you decide to quit, press Alt + Tab to minimize the game, then exit Fraps, make game full screen and quit normally.

I believe it has already been discussed in the forum.

[EDIT] Ste beat me to it.
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