Good Bye



I have a really breaking news. Trust me, you would not see this anywhere else in the world. Coming to the news, the Indian Defence ministry has today released a statement to 'get all officer training cadets possesing FAA Private pilot certificates with basic IFR knowledge, combat ready on the double, ready for service on the frontline in three months.'

You know what this means, the IAF will have some three hundred new officers in the next three months. :blink: I wonder why this sudden move. :unsure:

And, I am one in the list and ... this is my last visit to the forums. :(

I am really sad to leave friends with whom I have enjoyed every bit of these five months. Andrew, Vineet, Insha, Auwais, Sohaib, Colin, Jack - sorry, if I left anyone else - thanks for being my friend for this time. I wish every single person in our forums all success in life. :thumbs:

I should be leaving in about three hours time to a classified location. Knowing the difficulties of life as a combat pilot, time becomes precious from now on for people like me - every minute can be our last. Alright guys, for the last time - Good Bye. :sorry:
:o :bow: :( :sorry:

Good bye my friend. You were a real helper when I need some info from you. Good luck to you too in your life. :thumbs:
Good Bye Iniyan,I loved ur posts
I love tamil melodies. But now, I have started to listen to Hindi songs as well, though I do not understand a single word.
I believe u will be learning hindi very soon
Good luck for u :thumbs: :D
Good bye friend!Good luck for your future :thumbs:

Will be missing you very much :( :sorry:

:sorry: :sorry: :sorry: :sorry:

i am not regular these days but because of studies but oh very sad to hear that from you iniyan but really you were a great fellow and i really enjoyed a great time with you and my best wishes are with you and i`ll pray that you`ll get selected in the IAF.and also in the indian cricket team thanks for help i`ll really miss you

Bye.... :sorry:
Au revoir mon ami :mellow:

Make India proud !! :cheer:

..but return home safe :thumbs:
Hi guys, we have an off this morning. So, I thought I could get in touch. I was wondering whether we would be allowed to go online, but there are no such restrictions. I will get online on Tuesday mornings from now on. Great news. :D

I should be recruited into the Mirage 2000 group of the No, 1 Tigers squadron on January 26, 2004. That's on our Republic Day. Look out for Fl. Lt. Nachinarkiniyan "Boots" Dhakshanamoorthy (too big a name, isn't it? - we have this problem in the name lists as well). I thank all of you guys for your wishes. We had our first taste of our respective aircrafts yesterday, from the nav seat ofcourse, our trainers were flying. Man, it was stunning. We reached Mach 2 in a Mirage 2000-TH ( this is a double-seater used for training, the aircrafts in service are Mirage 2000's - these are single-seater multi-role fighters ) and had a series of spins beginning with a +4 G and then into a +6 G straight into a -4 G and a whopping +7 G. I experienced my first black-out on 7 G. Tell you what, it was pretty scary the first time, but the second time, it was okay. :D . And, a Mirage 2000 is capable of carrying a nuclear payload, other than the Su-30s. :blink:

Considering my size, I was put into the Mirage 2000 :lol: . The MiGs are more manoeuvrable (they are also slower) which means more G's. The Mirages are extremely quick, but are hard to handle, so less G's. Smaller people and ladies can tolerate higher amounts of G considered to well-built persons.

We had a Human Rights class yesterday by an HR activist. He was virtually blown out of the campus by us. We guys hate these HR activists. They come against actions against terrorists. I cannot understand why they claim for HR to people who slay innocent citizens. The guy who came yesterday was preaching about HR in the line of action :lol: . We calmly said, " Thank you, sir, we do not need your lecture." Just think guys, when you see your friends, with whom you have spent years like brothers, teared up by bullets in front of your eyes, there cannot be an arsehole greater than the one who thinks about HR to the enemy. We were right in boycotting the class, were n't we?

i`ll pray that you`ll get selected in the IAF.and also in the indian cricket team

Thanks Abid, but I am already recruited into the IAF - a comissioned officer - multirole-fighter pilot trainee - Flying Officer now. Forget cricket. :lol:
Originally posted by Admin@Oct 14 2003, 01:44 AM
Au revoir mon ami? :mellow:
Merci beaucoup, cher ami.

Make India proud !!? ? :cheer:

Ofcouse, I will.

..but return home safe?? :thumbs:

Frankly, that is n't in my hands. :D

You know what, I can feel a diffference suddenly. Life is wonderful, with us enjoying every moment of it. Everything in life seems to be crystal clear, no worries, nothing.
Andrew, my mother is leaving for Keighley today. I told you earlier, remember?

And I am having my first solo today. There is nothing spectacular. Take-off, follow waypoints and land. We are on a roll man. We have logged 42 hours in just 3 days - flat out training. And tell you what, I have lost 5 kgs in these three days. The flights are sapping out every bit of energy we have. On successful completion of solo comes the great part. Formation flying. It is surely scary. Crafts fly as close as 3 meters. :o

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