Graphic Importer V3


Executive member
Mar 13, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
  • Import and export PNG images.
  • Preview transparent gfx files.
  • Rotate images in the preview window.
  • Manually type offset, size and description, useful for creating GI zip files.
  • Work along with config editor 3.
  • While importing a zip file, copy all the TGA files from that zip file to the bats folder.
  • Option to create a backup file before importing a zip file.
  • Complete help file.
  • Updated bmplist.txt file, which will include all the stadium graphics.
And once again thanks to Colin and Ste for helping and encouraging me to create this editor.

The crowd images are 256 colour transparent background png image.
You will need Microsoft GDI+ to be installed, if you dont have it download it from here

Download Link
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No pressure on you, eh?!

Just downloaded it, just shown GI2 the bottom of my lovely recycle bin!
You are the Real Genius mate!, Thank u for providing us the GIv3, much anticipated one!


Just to weigh in, Prakash has put a hell of a lot of time into creating this editor and especially the updated bmplist.txt.
The view bmp files as transparant is also an amazing feature that I didn't even know about until it was released today.
Fantastic job once again.
so how do we make the crowd with flags etc.... will there be a tutorial on this?
brilliant work man!!!!!!! thanx a lot
ive started to work on the Lahore ground but some error came up....

its says "File size to long" .. ive done the 512*256 method.
Prakash said:
What do you mean ?
i mean i cant see all the sub files on certain items i.e stadiums. i have to click on the sub file and use the cursor keys to move up and down to select. i just thought using a slider bar like on web pages would be easier to select sub files.

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