Story Hawkeye Making Tutorial for Cricket Stories


Club Cricketer
Jul 31, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned

The Hawkeye

Load up a pitch in Photoshop, any kind will do. This one is linked at the bottom of the post.


The first thing to do is make the track of the ball, using the pen tool

Select your brush tool
. Select whichever colour you want your Hawkeye to be, I chose red, now find the size of the ball track, using the master diameter, select something between 5 and 10px, I am using 8px, This will come in use later. Now you get you pen tool
with these settings:
you have to click once where the ball has been released, and then again, where it will bounce, but on the second click, hold it down. If you have held it down you will notice that if you move the mouse around, you can change the flight, swing or anything that happens in the air.

Remember, if you make a mistake, just press ctrl + alt + z to go back a step, because this is Pen Tool, you can go back to each anchor point. I am going to over-exaggerate some away swing so I will move the mouse left for away swing, and forward to choose the flight. As it is a fast bowler, I will not have very much flight. Once you have something you are happy with, right-click and choose stroke path, Select; tool: Brush. Now you can see that the settings you chose earlier has returned. Now right-click, and delete path.

Open a new layer using
. Now click once where the ball has pitched, and then hold-click where you want the Hawkeye to end, now you can choose how much seam, spin or bounce you want.


I am giving mine over-exaggerated in-cut. Once again, choose right-click, stroke path -> brush, Right-click -> delete path. Additional steps are making the bails fly off, or making the ball look like it actually goes through the stumps, I haven’t done these on this one as it isn’t a very good picture. So far it looks like this.



Setting up

Now you can lower the Opacity of the Pentool layers to 70%-80%, You can merge them together by pressing ctrl + e when you have the top layer selected. Duplicate the pen tool layer and put the original out of the way, I put mine below the pitch. Click on the copy, and select the eraser tool. Erase a little part of the far end of the pen tool (next to the far stumps). Now duplicate the layer which has a little part taken off it, and hide the one you just duplicated ( not the new one, the old one).

Repeat that last step (The section in red) until you end up with nothing left. Make sure that you have a part where you can’t see after the bounce, but you can see what has happened in the air. It could take anything from 10-50 layers depending on how much you delete at a time. Move the original layer from under the pitch to below all of the others. Before you open it in Imageready, copy and paste in a little cricket ball, to put in front of the Hawkeye. I am using this ball:



This is where you can add in graphics such as ‘Bracken to Vaughan’ or ‘Animated Hawkeye’, and stuff like that.

You can also add in a cut out of the batsman in front of the stumps. Put him on 20-30 opacity, or whatever is best for you.


Open the document in image ready
. Hide all layers except the pitch and the ball, which should be at the point of release. Now for the animation. If you haven’t already got the animation window up, go to window -> Animation. Make sure that the timing is on 0 sec, which is just below the frame. Duplicate that frame and unhide the pen tool layer that has the shortest Hawkeye, and move the ball to the end of that. Duplicate the frame, and unhide the next layer, and hide the old layer. Continue to repeat that step until the full Hawkeye is shown.

You can see what you have made by pressing play. When you are happy with it, go file -> save optimized as/save fore web and devices

This is what I have come up with, i have attached it so anybody can look at it:


Later versions may include; bails coming off, ball going through the stumps, and more add-ons that make it look better, i have shown you the very basics, so i hope you can understand them and build on them
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Nice tutorial! Finally a hawkeye tutorial is up:) GK...if you have any tips, please post them here:)

Yeah in was gonna ask him to do some, and then i can edit in the additional parts (obviously with a big title saying 'gamerkid22's something or other')
If anybody would like to do a small tutorial on adding the batsman in like that one from gamerkid, or make the bails come off like this one from gamerkid
Wow and OMG. I had never seen this. Thank you, domi, this might be making a surprise appearance in my story from now on. Reps for that
Surendar, I'm just bumping this higher so people see it

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