

School Cricketer
Nov 6, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi, i jus bought Cricket 2004 for my PC. My computer meets the specs specified, but when i run the game it crashes straight away.

I have directX - 9
My video card is - Nvidia Geforce 2
My comp spec - AMD Athlon XP 2000, 1.66GHz, 224 MB of ram

By looking at my spec, my comp should have no problem running this game. But it does, once the EA sport logo appears it crashes straight after that. I don't even get to see the main menu.

Any suggestions, plz help :crying :crying :crying
Yes my sound works fine, i can even hear the "EA sport", but i cannot completly see the EA sport logo = crashes. I have also d'loaded the latest drivers for my video card, but the problem continues to happen.

The games hopeless :crying :crying
1)Well did you have any problem during installation?
2nd method)go to c:/program files/EA Sports/Cricket 2004/Data/Movies and watch all the movies if any of them is not okay or corrupted then reinstall the game.
I had absolutely no problems when installing, but i will check the data - (vid) file. I have also tried re-installing/repairing it. but i still get an error. Is there a specific driver for nvidia that will work with this game? please let me know soon as possible. Thanx :cool:
what version of the drivers for video card did u installed?
I have the following drvier version for NVIDIA GeForce2 Integrated GPU = 6.14.0010.5673 (English).

I'm pretty sure it's the latest version, due to updating via windows xp - automatic update.

Once again thanx for ur help, adnan. :cool: :cool: :cool:
Hi Adnan,

The drivers version seems to be fine cause I have the same video card and faced the similar problem while back and I have version 6.14 installed and works completely fine.
Now the only thing I can thing of its like you said you installed your drivers thru windows xp update. well I actually went to nvidia website and installed it from the site directly. I think its the same and am sure should not make any difference at all. But you might want to give it a shot and try dowloading the drivers from the nvidia site and see if you get your issue solve. Other than that I am really not sure what else could be the problem.
here is the site for the drivers
Thanx for the early reply, but I tried the web-site solution straight away when I was aware of this problem. Unfortunately it didn?t solve anything, so therefore I?m left with no solution at all. I?m waiting for ?EA support? to reply back with my problem due to being a registered user with them. Hopefully they might have a solution, I?ll let u know if it gets solved.

Thanx again Rangeela :cool: :cool: :cool:
What motherboard are you using? Via KT 266/266A?Have you got Via 4in1 drivers installed (in case you are on VIA board)? They are available from .
the board should work straight out of the box in WinXP but its worth a try.

What soundcard do you have? What DirectX version? Other games running fine? Did you try Direct Draw & Direct3D diagnostics from dxdiag?

Also you can try reducing sound hardware acceleration from dxdiag to basic acceleration or no acceleration and then try the game. Try keeping desktop resolution same as the game resolution.
If these dont work try disabling AGP Fastwrites from BIOS setup. That doesnt work, try running at AGP 2x rather than 4x. (You can also change these settings using NVMax or Rivatuner instead of BIOS setup).

Dont forget this, run a complete virus can as well with latest updates and close every program running in the background (like instant messengers/firewalls/wallpaper changers etc.) while running the game.
Try stopping zonealarm and norton from running in the background (incidentally both are resource hungry and you might consider replacing them with sygate and avg in the long run).

Hope you try these :/ you arent using any nocd/backup cd cracks are you?
I aint got a clue what motherboard im using, can u give me any tips for finding out what motherboard im using.
Im pretty sure it's working

My soundcard is Creative (SB Live! Audio B800) - i am currently running version 9 of DirectX. I have just checked direct darw/direct 3D.

My computer is totally free from viruses, ie i've fully scanned it with Norton Antivirus/frequently updated by live thingymajig (LOL). EA trouble-shoot have
already told me decrease the running of programmes in the background. So therefore i've tried it. However i've not tried decreasing the sound accelerator,which
i will do in a moment. (Looks like my soundcard might be to powerfull). The AGP method hasn't been undertaken, but il give it a go.

Nope, i run it from the original CD - legit. Thanx for the advise in such sort notice. Adnan
lemme tell you one thing good requirments for this game is 256 mb 40 gb and 2.50 ghz
you need this because the game will work right and direct x 9 i help my friend install his game but didnt work same problem as you because he had 128 mb 30 gb and 900 mhz the game didnt work and one thing i say update your driver but if you dont have 256 mb game might work slow this what happend with my friend.
if you have 256 md 40 gb 2.50 ghz and good driver game dosent work i dont know then

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