How are you going in Ashes Cricket 2009?

I was complaining?

Anyway first of all start using commas, and second of all i'll play the game how I want to play. Don't have a period over it.

im not the one getting stresses and writing very angrily lol im not a perfectionist like some ill give commas a miss as time is money lol but not having ago but your taking this way to far when i was just giving advise now be a good chap and just leave it ye
About to start the full game. Will keep you updated if anything nice happens.
This is the best game.

I have played many games now and still enjoying it.

Hats Off To Codemasters
Lets try posting this in the right thread this time....

Match summary at the end of day two:


Australian 1st Innings:


I was 21/2 after a Brett Lee over. I was a little late on a backfoot drive with Strauss and the edge absolutely flew to Katich at 2nd slip. It looked so awesome. :D Bopara was bowled whilst playing a pull shot.....after I chose to play off the front foot. :sarcasm Rebuilding with Cook and Pietersen.
Finally got round to finishing the Cardiff Test of the Ashes series, and what a game it was. Ponting won the toss and chose to bat first, turned out to be a wise decision as they made a more than healthy 353, with Clarke top scoring with 95. I then started slowly, losing 2 wickets fairly early, being 45/2 at one stage. Cook and Pietersen fought back though, putting on a massive partnership, with KP flying, bringing up his century in just 77 balls. Cook also made a century, but in more normal Test style, ending with 125 from 199 balls. We were eventually dismissed for 437, giving me a lead of 80odd going into Australia's 2nd innings.

When bowling 2nd I managed to bowl far more consistent and threatening lines, and the patience paid off. Hussey and Haddin were the only 2 batsmen to get going, but they both got out in the 40's. The wickets were pretty evenly spread round, with Flintoff and Anderson picking up 3fer each. Australia were bowled out for 202 and I thought I had the game wrapped up, needing just 119 to win.

We started badly. Being reduced to 21/4. Strauss bowled by Johnson, Cook run out, Pietersen out hooking to Hilfenhaus and Bopara lbw to Siddle. Prior and Collingwood's partnership didn't last long either, with Collingwood edging behind for 4. That bought Flintoff to the crease, and his timing was excellent from the off, as he was taking advantage of anything the Australians served up. When Flintoff was gone lbw playing across the line to a Johnson inswinger, the pressure was on. The pressure increased when Broad top-edged to Haddin first ball.

Prior continued to play his shots, moving into the 30's, and along with Swann taking England into the hundreds. Swann then inside edged onto his stumps, mis-timing a drive off Hussey to bring Anderson to the crease. Anderson got off the mark, but 2 balls faced later, and a massive mix up in the running resulted in him getting run out by Hauritz. This brought the last man Panesar to the crease. He managed to play out 5 balls from Johnson to survive the over, which left things to Matt Prior with England needing just 7 to win. Hilfenhaus relieved the pressure, bowling a short wide one which was cut square for 4. England trail by 2.

Penultimate ball of the over, and Prior steals a single. Panesar manages to leave a wideish half volley from Hilfenhaus to leave Prior on strike with a deficit of just 1. Mitchell Johnson the bowler, 1st ball of the over is short and straight, Prior gets onto his toes and pushes defensively onto the on-side, he goes for a run, but realises late that it's not going to happen, he scrambles back, puts the dive in and the run out appeal is sent to the 3rd umpire. He just gets back, a split second late with the dive and he'd have been gone.

2nd ball of the over is wide of off-stump and left by Prior. Then, Johnson offers up exactly what Prior wanted, a full, out-side off-stump half volley. Prior leaps onto the front foot, looking to smash the ball through the vacant cover region to win the game for England and end 45 not out. But to England's horror, the shot is mis-timed, the ball flies off the edge of Prior's bat and heads for the 2nd slip area, Katich dives and throws out an arm, clings on and takes an incredible diving catch. Australia win. Prior goes for 41 from 48 balls with England needing just 2 more runs to win the match. What an end. Australia win by just 1 run.


hi just got my pc version of ashes 2009. i have an xbox 360 controller. can any one help with the button config. enjoy playing. thanks raveen
Finally got round to finishing the Cardiff Test of the Ashes series, and what a game it was. Ponting won the toss and chose to bat first, turned out to be a wise decision as they made a more than healthy 353, with Clarke top scoring with 95. I then started slowly, losing 2 wickets fairly early, being 45/2 at one stage. Cook and Pietersen fought back though, putting on a massive partnership, with KP flying, bringing up his century in just 77 balls. Cook also made a century, but in more normal Test style, ending with 125 from 199 balls. We were eventually dismissed for 437, giving me a lead of 80odd going into Australia's 2nd innings.

When bowling 2nd I managed to bowl far more consistent and threatening lines, and the patience paid off. Hussey and Haddin were the only 2 batsmen to get going, but they both got out in the 40's. The wickets were pretty evenly spread round, with Flintoff and Anderson picking up 3fer each. Australia were bowled out for 202 and I thought I had the game wrapped up, needing just 119 to win.

We started badly. Being reduced to 21/4. Strauss bowled by Johnson, Cook run out, Pietersen out hooking to Hilfenhaus and Bopara lbw to Siddle. Prior and Collingwood's partnership didn't last long either, with Collingwood edging behind for 4. That bought Flintoff to the crease, and his timing was excellent from the off, as he was taking advantage of anything the Australians served up. When Flintoff was gone lbw playing across the line to a Johnson inswinger, the pressure was on. The pressure increased when Broad top-edged to Haddin first ball.

Prior continued to play his shots, moving into the 30's, and along with Swann taking England into the hundreds. Swann then inside edged onto his stumps, mis-timing a drive off Hussey to bring Anderson to the crease. Anderson got off the mark, but 2 balls faced later, and a massive mix up in the running resulted in him getting run out by Hauritz. This brought the last man Panesar to the crease. He managed to play out 5 balls from Johnson to survive the over, which left things to Matt Prior with England needing just 7 to win. Hilfenhaus relieved the pressure, bowling a short wide one which was cut square for 4. England trail by 2.

Penultimate ball of the over, and Prior steals a single. Panesar manages to leave a wideish half volley from Hilfenhaus to leave Prior on strike with a deficit of just 1. Mitchell Johnson the bowler, 1st ball of the over is short and straight, Prior gets onto his toes and pushes defensively onto the on-side, he goes for a run, but realises late that it's not going to happen, he scrambles back, puts the dive in and the run out appeal is sent to the 3rd umpire. He just gets back, a split second late with the dive and he'd have been gone.

2nd ball of the over is wide of off-stump and left by Prior. Then, Johnson offers up exactly what Prior wanted, a full, out-side off-stump half volley. Prior leaps onto the front foot, looking to smash the ball through the vacant cover region to win the game for England and end 45 not out. But to England's horror, the shot is mis-timed, the ball flies off the edge of Prior's bat and heads for the 2nd slip area, Katich dives and throws out an arm, clings on and takes an incredible diving catch. Australia win. Prior goes for 41 from 48 balls with England needing just 2 more runs to win the match. What an end. Australia win by just 1 run.



Wow, great game, I got excited just reading about it. How can you play realisticly though? You seem to have it all figured out. Any tips?
Wow, great game, I got excited just reading about it. How can you play realisticly though? You seem to have it all figured out. Any tips?

Yes ill admit very tense match i also got exited just reading it, but i did have the same problem at first playing this game which is having realistic games. But now i have figured out which way is the best way to play and ill tell you the factors in which i changed my game and the way i was playing before , fair enough this does make much better games but it still needs work of course with a patch as the run out bug still occurs and little glitches here and there but i have to mention run outs occur much less if you change the way you bowl mainly.

Firstly when i first purchased this game i was enjoying it at first because i wasnt so good at batting or bowling so i was getting quite low score in batting mid 100s maybe late 100s but nothing special and also my bowling was quite poor didnt know really what the colour coding was when you chose where abouts you wished to pitch the ball and well my fielding settings were all over the place even amount of men on leg and offside and rarely a few in slip.

But first with the batting, when i gradually became known with the game and new what shots to play and when to play them i began getting much higher and much more realistic scores which i was very pleased with. Any wide balls i would no longer hit as i have been caught out many a times in the past by playing these type of shots to be honest are needless as it is a test match and you have basically all the time in the world so really wide shots i would leave, maybe if there was massives of field gaps on a wide and its not to full of course as i would rather it not carry to slip which i find is a very cheap way of losing a wicket i may hit it but its not worth it, but by playing it safe the only ways mainly i have been losing wickets honestly is by lbws and bowled which was a suprise cause by using my other tactic of batting i was going out quicker getting few sixes and lots of fours fair enough but by playing it safe im gaining at least another 200 to 300 more runs which is a massive difference and why the bowls and lbws suprised me so much is by using my old tactic of batting every wicket was a catch fair enough theres still odd catches but now your in batting so much longer that the bowlers really need to work on you for a long period of time and eventually get a breakthrough and bowl you and get lbws as well as catches still but thats expected but far less trust me. Also my defensive shots are used often for example a wide ball but swinging in possibly hitting stumps i would often defend but once again it does also depend on fielding positions. Of course at times there are patches where the bowlers bowling against you give you a run of easy balls to hit and big gaps in the field which make it easier for you but that does happen in life bowlers try different techniques to get you out they have to and you have more runs than balls bowled but most of the time with my batsmen there is more balls bowled than runs which is very realistic for test match cricket.

Moving on to bowling which im really starting to enjoy now alot more than i did when i first bowled against ai. I Believe if you dont wanna get smacked all over the park aim for the light green areas at full pitch and also if struggling to get a breakthrough at short pitching. But when i first got the game i was making them defend alot fair enough but i know for a fact i wasnt always getting the lighter green areas which i belive in bowling a good match is key to success and you shall pick up more wickets like lbws and bowls and still odd few catches which is normal, but i used to get smacked all over the place when not pitching in right areas and when this happens everyone knows that for some reason the ai begins to smack everything that comes at them which is crazy for test match cricket and ruins the fun of it lets be truthful so just make sure your making them defend and keep on moving it around at full in lighter areas keep giving it ago eventually one will slip through a gap and on to stumps or onto pad for lbw appeal i think people get fed up of bowling in certain areas when they defend alot of the time and begin bowling in position they seem fit to which is wrong trust me on my opinion of course but i do beleive you need to have patience but really before we brought this game we shouldve already known that when bowling you would need patience cause in real test cricket bowlers need patience and when were watching real cricket it can go through boring patches but thats test match cricket for you and thats why we love it, of course you get frustrated mix it up alittle remembering the light green areas try some boucing short balls, pull cursor back find area then adjust it slightly round the area in swing out swing cutter ect im very confident when bowling with inswinger works a treat for me even out swinging actually helps me very often. Due to my fielding positions that i have now sorted out but you need patience and they were getting between 300s t0 400s even 500s very intresting cricket much more fun and enjoyable to play by a mile thought i would quickly mention my field, now i have most of my men on offside i think about two on leg side 1 at boundry and 1 closer in rarely shots played there so i always have that covered and if they do only singles occur to be honest. So with most of my men at offside i was getting most action that side obviously catches a few at slip and with my slip i have three and they are all spaced out with a person gap between them you should know what i mean but it works a treat for me with inswinging and out swinging and when they do hit a shot after lots of defending sometimes caught in that area but most of time rolls along ground but gets stopped very quickly sometimes stops even singles and of course when a shot does occur perfect going to cover theres fielder out there to reduce runs to two or three even one of course boundaries do occur but thats life as a bowler you do have to mix it up a little now and then to have success but im fairly happy with the way i play and im enjoying the game very much.

Thats basically my opinion on batting and bowling for a realistic and fun test match of course some of you may disagree and want to add your point which is your opinon and i may even agree with some of them that i may have missed out so feel free to express your own opinon on this subject

Yes ill admit very tense match i also got exited just reading it, but i did have the same problem at first playing this game which is having realistic games. But now i have figured out which way is the best way to play and ill tell you the factors in which i changed my game and the way i was playing before , fair enough this does make much better games but it still needs work of course with a patch as the run out bug still occurs and little glitches here and there but i have to mention run outs occur much less if you change the way you bowl mainly.

Firstly when i first purchased this game i was enjoying it at first because i wasnt so good at batting or bowling so i was getting quite low score in batting mid 100s maybe late 100s but nothing special and also my bowling was quite poor didnt know really what the colour coding was when you chose where abouts you wished to pitch the ball and well my fielding settings were all over the place even amount of men on leg and offside and rarely a few in slip.

But first with the batting, when i gradually became known with the game and new what shots to play and when to play them i began getting much higher and much more realistic scores which i was very pleased with. Any wide balls i would no longer hit as i have been caught out many a times in the past by playing these type of shots to be honest are needless as it is a test match and you have basically all the time in the world so really wide shots i would leave, maybe if there was massives of field gaps on a wide and its not to full of course as i would rather it not carry to slip which i find is a very cheap way of losing a wicket i may hit it but its not worth it, but by playing it safe the only ways mainly i have been losing wickets honestly is by lbws and bowled which was a suprise cause by using my other tactic of batting i was going out quicker getting few sixes and lots of fours fair enough but by playing it safe im gaining at least another 200 to 300 more runs which is a massive difference and why the bowls and lbws suprised me so much is by using my old tactic of batting every wicket was a catch fair enough theres still odd catches but now your in batting so much longer that the bowlers really need to work on you for a long period of time and eventually get a breakthrough and bowl you and get lbws as well as catches still but thats expected but far less trust me. Also my defensive shots are used often for example a wide ball but swinging in possibly hitting stumps i would often defend but once again it does also depend on fielding positions. Of course at times there are patches where the bowlers bowling against you give you a run of easy balls to hit and big gaps in the field which make it easier for you but that does happen in life bowlers try different techniques to get you out they have to and you have more runs than balls bowled but most of the time with my batsmen there is more balls bowled than runs which is very realistic for test match cricket.

Moving on to bowling which im really starting to enjoy now alot more than i did when i first bowled against ai. I Believe if you dont wanna get smacked all over the park aim for the light green areas at full pitch and also if struggling to get a breakthrough at short pitching. But when i first got the game i was making them defend alot fair enough but i know for a fact i wasnt always getting the lighter green areas which i belive in bowling a good match is key to success and you shall pick up more wickets like lbws and bowls and still odd few catches which is normal, but i used to get smacked all over the place when not pitching in right areas and when this happens everyone knows that for some reason the ai begins to smack everything that comes at them which is crazy for test match cricket and ruins the fun of it lets be truthful so just make sure your making them defend and keep on moving it around at full in lighter areas keep giving it ago eventually one will slip through a gap and on to stumps or onto pad for lbw appeal i think people get fed up of bowling in certain areas when they defend alot of the time and begin bowling in position they seem fit to which is wrong trust me on my opinion of course but i do beleive you need to have patience but really before we brought this game we shouldve already known that when bowling you would need patience cause in real test cricket bowlers need patience and when were watching real cricket it can go through boring patches but thats test match cricket for you and thats why we love it, of course you get frustrated mix it up alittle remembering the light green areas try some boucing short balls, pull cursor back find area then adjust it slightly round the area in swing out swing cutter ect im very confident when bowling with inswinger works a treat for me even out swinging actually helps me very often. Due to my fielding positions that i have now sorted out but you need patience and they were getting between 300s t0 400s even 500s very intresting cricket much more fun and enjoyable to play by a mile thought i would quickly mention my field, now i have most of my men on offside i think about two on leg side 1 at boundry and 1 closer in rarely shots played there so i always have that covered and if they do only singles occur to be honest. So with most of my men at offside i was getting most action that side obviously catches a few at slip and with my slip i have three and they are all spaced out with a person gap between them you should know what i mean but it works a treat for me with inswinging and out swinging and when they do hit a shot after lots of defending sometimes caught in that area but most of time rolls along ground but gets stopped very quickly sometimes stops even singles and of course when a shot does occur perfect going to cover theres fielder out there to reduce runs to two or three even one of course boundaries do occur but thats life as a bowler you do have to mix it up a little now and then to have success but im fairly happy with the way i play and im enjoying the game very much.

Thats basically my opinion on batting and bowling for a realistic and fun test match of course some of you may disagree and want to add your point which is your opinon and i may even agree with some of them that i may have missed out so feel free to express your own opinon on this subject

You need to learn how to use full stops.
You need to learn how to use full stops.

jesus how much people have messed up a bit of punctuation on this forum never have i been so sad and accused them of this its a forum for god sake what are you an english teacher?? jesus christ im no perfectionist you care more about punctuation and english classes than you do cricket call yourself a fan god if you aint got nothing relevant to say dont say it atall cause i certainly dont wanna hear it and were hear to talk about cricket not english and puctuation its summer for cricket no school but if you wanna be a special child go ahead im sure they can book a special chil in for special classes at a special school lol christ almighty
It just makes it a lot easier to read. I personally find it very hard reading and understanding your posts because there is next to no punctuation, so I tend to skip over them.
I have to agree - it's like someone talking to you constantly without taking a breath! In fact, reading those posts just gives me a headache.

MasterBlaster76 added 2 Minutes and 49 Seconds later...

No i save after every over/wicket. If there is a run out i reload.

I wish there was a way to implement an autosave. What if you forget to save?
I have to agree - it's like someone talking to you constantly without taking a breath! In fact, reading those posts just gives me a headache.

MasterBlaster76 added 2 Minutes and 49 Seconds later...

I wish there was a way to implement an autosave. What if you forget to save?

master blaster and stevie im hear to talk about cricket and ashes and i couldnt care less you read my posts or not you lot are all so perfectionists i dont spend all my day on here i do leave my house and also i come on about 1 hour a day and rush i dont make sure every little puctuation is in i put abit in of what i remember but thats about it so stop complaining its not my writing giving me a headache its you slap heads moaning sorry but thats the way it is but i just wish some people could just read my posts and respect that i have made a contribution to the forum sorry i dont have time to add every little puctuation mark lol
My personal opinion is that if you play the game properly and not try to exploit the glitches in the AI, you will get far more realistic test matches.

Yesterday i played my first ashes test and bowled out australia for 331..there wasn't even a single runout(Strange!!!!) and their was a lot of variety in mode of dismissals..i had one caught behind, one lbw, 2 bowled(one was a gem of a delivery by flintoff to clarke, i made him drive thorough the covers and the ball found the way through the gap between his bat and pad), few catches at covers,midwicket and gully.

Only the spinners had the economy rate of over 6. All my Fast/Medium fast bowlers were going below 6rpo
master blaster and stevie im hear to talk about cricket and ashes and i couldnt care less you read my posts or not you lot are all so perfectionists i dont spend all my day on here i do leave my house and also i come on about 1 hour a day and rush i dont make sure every little puctuation is in i put abit in of what i remember but thats about it so stop complaining its not my writing giving me a headache its you slap heads moaning sorry but thats the way it is but i just wish some people could just read my posts and respect that i have made a contribution to the forum sorry i dont have time to add every little puctuation mark lol

please use proper punctuation and paragraphs.

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