How to score against spinners in Cricket 2005 on PS2???


Club Cricketer
Dec 15, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I can play pacers (fast & medium) pretty well on 'Medium' difficulty level in Cricket 2005 on PS2 but I am hopeless against spinners. I can't score against the spinners at all and generally lose all my wickets against them. I have practiced a lot in the nets against spinners and in the nets I always hear the commentator tell me I timed the shot right and yadda yadda yadda...

But as soon as I go to the matches, it's the same story all over again. Can somebody please help me out on how to time my shots and score runs against spinners? Let me know any strategies you guys follow against spinners and would really appreciate it. I can't even even score against a lower ranked team's spinner (like Bangladesh's Mohd Rafique) :(
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hey alfa beta
I realize that you are new on planetcricket, and im going to give you a bit of advice. Use the search function to search threads before you post a new one. Im tellin you this because im sure that a thread on this topic. Anyways, play spinners by advancing down the track to them, sweeping, and driving.
will do so... by the way can you tell me which shots do I play while advancing down the wicket? I mean cover drive, on drive, leg glance, sweep or any shot while advancing down the wicket?

Also, do I need to press 'L1' also while playing the advance shot or I simply press 'O' without the six hit option (L1)? Will really appreciate the help.
alfa_beta said:
I can play pacers (fast & medium) pretty well on 'Medium' difficulty level in Cricket 2005 on PS2 but I am hopeless against spinners. I can't score against the spinners at all and generally lose all my wickets against them. I have practiced a lot in the nets against spinners and in the nets I always hear the commentator tell me I timed the shot right and yadda yadda yadda...

But as soon as I go to the matches, it's the same story all over again. Can somebody please help me out on how to time my shots and score runs against spinners? Let me know any strategies you guys follow against spinners and would really appreciate it. I can't even even score against a lower ranked team's spinner (like Bangladesh's Mohd Rafique) :(

Hi mate most people have found a mixture of success with the practice nets i too hit them perfect in the nets only to fail badly in a game. The following are my tips that work for me.

The following was true with original default fields but the timing still remains the same so try them out and see if they help you... :)

kymsheba said:
ok i personally found the nets to be useless i was hitting "ideal" zone all the time then went to play a game and got no where near hitting anything, my solution was to forget the nets and do a test match, though others say the nets helped them greatly and for them i think it did, i think it is a individual thing.

Tips that work for me..... (others may have different or more that suits them)

Yorkers and anything you think is a bit dodgy or your not sure on BLOCK even when your confidence is high still block those types of shots. I always use "S" block shot i have never had to use the "W" block shot.

Anything just outside or on off stump to a right hander i find the following works very well....."down arrow & right arrow held down" and press "S" just before ball hits bowling marker it may take you a couple of shots first off to get the exact timing down but believe me you will find it very easy after an over or two, this shot will then hit the ball through mid on and 90% of the time you will get a 4. it works very well for a new batsmen as the CPU does not put a mid on there at all until you have scored about 20-30 runs for that batsmen. so this shot will get your confidence meter up to about halfway before they will put a midon fielder there, after that happens you will need to play a mixture of front foot drives and mid on shots to get past them probability of that shot getting past would be about 50-70% now.

anything short and on your middle & leg stump you can "Leg Glance (RIGHT arrow & W) this will if timed correctly (remember just before ball hits bowling marker) get you 4 nearly all the time.

Once your confidence meter is up to say about 80% or more you can start playing all the other shots without too much diffulcuty remember you can still get out even if you time it perfect if you choose the wrong shot, only way to know what type of shot to play for any ball is through experience so just keep at it and you will be running up big totals in no time like me.

my 4th game just completed 1st innings 398 all out in just under 1 days play with top individual score of 99 before i got out to choosing wrong shot because i actually got nervous beleive it or not when he was on 99 LOL, oh well i will get it next innings i am sure of it.

*remember these are just tips that i found worked great for me but everyone is different and there is no right or wrong way plenty of other guys will have good tips that work for them too. my advice is too try a few different suggestions from people and see what suits you.

Anyhow hoped these tips from me will help you and GOOD LUCK!!! I know you can do it.
I normally sweep with the power hit button to get runs of spinners.
Maybe you just block out the over.
Another thing that works for me is advancing down the wicket and leg glancing the ball.
The thing with the practice nets is that you grow used to the timing bar so you start to rely more on that than on the movement of the ball. For me, I have Cricket05 on PC, so I put something to hide the timing bar and then use the movement of the ball to judge it. Other than that, using the sweep shot and on-drive really work well.
prarara said:
The thing with the practice nets is that you grow used to the timing bar so you start to rely more on that than on the movement of the ball. For me, I have Cricket05 on PC, so I put something to hide the timing bar and then use the movement of the ball to judge it. Other than that, using the sweep shot and on-drive really work well.
excellent tip about timing bar mate. :)
Thanks for the tips Mike (kymsheba) but I have a feeling that the computer and PS2 versions may be a bit different after reading your post. You said that for a short pitched delivery on middle and leg, leg glance (backfoot shot) usually gets you 4. But in my case (on PS2), I either get a single (to deep square or fine leg) or nothing at all (if there's a fielder at fine leg). Even if the shot is timed well, the ball simply races away to the fielder at fine leg or square leg.

In fact I have seen pulling a shot delivery on leg or middle stump (only for pacers) pays a richer dividend as you are able to get a 2 or 4 most of the times.

These are my observations and it wud be great if someone who has played the game on both computer as well as PS2 can let me know whether there are any differences between the two versions or not. Coz if there are no major differences then I am definitely doing something drastically wrong.

Hey 'prarara', tried sweeping against the spinners and I got 3 LBWs in one innings and one caught by square leg :( Can you tell me when exactly do you press the button for the shot? Is it as soon or just before the ball hits the pitch? Also, do you only sweep balls on middle and leg or even deliveries outside and on off stump? Plus do you sweep with the spin (just off spinners) or also against the spin, i.e. leg spinners for a right handed batsman?

Do lemme know as getting the sweep shot straightened out will solve a lot of problems for me.
alfa_beta said:
Thanks for the tips Mike (kymsheba) but I have a feeling that the computer and PS2 versions may be a bit different after reading your post. You said that for a short pitched delivery on middle and leg, leg glance (backfoot shot) usually gets you 4. But in my case (on PS2), I either get a single (to deep square or fine leg) or nothing at all (if there's a fielder at fine leg). Even if the shot is timed well, the ball simply races away to the fielder at fine leg or square leg.

In fact I have seen pulling a shot delivery on leg or middle stump (only for pacers) pays a richer dividend as you are able to get a 2 or 4 most of the times.

These are my observations and it wud be great if someone who has played the game on both computer as well as PS2 can let me know whether there are any differences between the two versions or not. Coz if there are no major differences then I am definitely doing something drastically wrong.

Hey 'prarara', tried sweeping against the spinners and I got 3 LBWs in one innings and one caught by square leg :( Can you tell me when exactly do you press the button for the shot? Is it as soon or just before the ball hits the pitch? Also, do you only sweep balls on middle and leg or even deliveries outside and on off stump? Plus do you sweep with the spin (just off spinners) or also against the spin, i.e. leg spinners for a right handed batsman?

Do lemme know as getting the sweep shot straightened out will solve a lot of problems for me.
Hi mate,

Yeah you are probably right i think the game play between the 2 different platforms would be different in some areas. The other thing you may need to do is when you go for a leg glance are you pressing exactly just before the ball hits the ground??? :)
Acording to field positions hit the ball...becase if you are hitting the ball at one location and getting runs..then bowler changes the play accordingly....try sweepig ...practise in the nets ...
Hey Mike (Kymsheba), I press the button just before the ball pitches but it only goes for a single most of the times.

Nikhil, I tried practising sweep shot in the nets but it didn't help me much... I keep on getting LBW most of the times. When do you press the button for the sweep and what should be the position of the batsman while playing the shot. Right now, while sweeping a leg spinner (Warne), I place the batsman slightly to the right of the line where the ball pitches and press the button just before the ball hits the pitch. Let me know what exactly am I doing wrong.
alfa_beta said:
Hey Mike (Kymsheba), I press the button just before the ball pitches but it only goes for a single most of the times.

Nikhil, I tried practising sweep shot in the nets but it didn't help me much... I keep on getting LBW most of the times. When do you press the button for the sweep and what should be the position of the batsman while playing the shot. Right now, while sweeping a leg spinner (Warne), I place the batsman slightly to the right of the line where the ball pitches and press the button just before the ball hits the pitch. Let me know what exactly am I doing wrong.

Hi alfa_beta,

Are you playing with the default fields that came with the game or the field settings released by players on this site?

I play with the default field settings when i am telling you about the glance shot that goes for 4, i think this might be the problem with you only getting a single ... have you downloaded different field settings for the game or are you using the default ones?

If you are using the downloaded field settings you may need to wait for the bowler to change his field setting before attempting the leg glance for 4 shot.
I play on PS2 so didn't dowbload anything and have the default settings. By the way managed to hit a couple of boundaries using leg glance - found out that I needed to press the button slightly earlier.

By the way any idea how you hit a 6? It's not required for tests but need to go over the top and get 6 in odis to keep up with the run rate. I tried various shots like advancing down the wicket shot, slog sweep, going over long on and over cover but was out caught all the time. Lemme know if you know anything about hitting a 6 and also how much confidence should a batsman have before trying a 6-hit. And do tell me about the timing of the shot.
alfa_beta said:
I play on PS2 so didn't dowbload anything and have the default settings. By the way managed to hit a couple of boundaries using leg glance - found out that I needed to press the button slightly earlier.

By the way any idea how you hit a 6? It's not required for tests but need to go over the top and get 6 in odis to keep up with the run rate. I tried various shots like advancing down the wicket shot, slog sweep, going over long on and over cover but was out caught all the time. Lemme know if you know anything about hitting a 6 and also how much confidence should a batsman have before trying a 6-hit. And do tell me about the timing of the shot.
Good to hear you starting to hit some boundaries. :)

Timing Timing Timing and more Timing it is all down to that. Button needs to be pressed the same time as a normal shot unless you go for an advance down the wicket shot (press button as soon ball leaves bowlers hands for advance down wicket shot).

*remember you can hold your six hit button down while the bowler is running in and then press other button.

When your batter first starts off with no confidence you need to be extremely accurate with the timing and what shot to use as the risk of a mishit is very high i personally wait till confidence meter is about 1/2 to 3/4 full before attempting six hit in one day match, (the only other time i go for a six hit is when you hear umpire call no ball then go for it no matter what as you can only get out by run out) otherwise when your batter starts to get some confidence you will find the shot easier. be patient and dont worry if your run rate goes up to 8 or even 9 an over the trick is not to panick get those batsmen confidence up and then go for the 6 shots and you will find that you will be scoring at 10 - 15 an over with batsmen who have their confidence up to at least 1/2 to 3/4 full.

Hope this helps you. Also be patient dont worry if you keep getting out trying for six hit keep perserveering as game has steep learning curve, look at what you have achieved by starting to hit boundaries when you had trouble before just keep going, i was the same as you when i first started. good luck!!! :cheers

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