Here 5 team Reaches Next Stage Where Three more Teams are Added All Star A and All Star B and All Star C
So 8 Teams In Total again And Then There Will Again Be a KnockOut Cup
So in total 12 matches in 8 Days
So are You Ready??
Full Fixtures
-->Lahore Lions VS SA Giants Sunday 31st October 2009
-->Deccan Demolishers VS Dhaka Champs Sunday 31st October 2009
-->Wellington Wanderers VS Aussie Greats Monday 1st November 2009
-->Carribean Furious Fishes VS England Royals Tuesday 2nd November 2009
-->Sydney Sapphires VS Srilankan Raiders Eleven Tuesday 2nd November 2009
Welcome Ladies and Gentlman here is the day where we begin the PreSeason Tournment where we will get to know which team is superior then others..
I am Rahul Bringing you this tournment where 10 teams battle out to win the PreSeason Tournment.
Lets move on and Before moving on to what is happening today lets look at the Rules and Regulation of this League with The teams that are participating
Rules and Regulation
Round 1 will consists of 10 teams facing each other in Knock Out Style from which 5 will proceed toward Round 2
Round 2 Will Consists of 8 teams 5 from previous Round winners and 3 are All Star A,B,C
All Star Teams consists of players who are not slected in Auction and All Star C is Players from Teams that is eliminated in Round 1
4 teams will play in Semi Final and 2 Proceed Towards Final
Winners Of PreSeason Tournment Will Be Given Revised Award Of 10000 VCASH
Runners Up Will Be Given 2000 VCash
Now Moving on to the Teams Participating here's the list
Aussie Greats From Australia
Deccan Demolishers From India
Dhaka Champs From Bangladesh
England Royals From England
Sydney Sapphires From Autralia
Srilankan Raiders XI From Srilanka
SA Giants From SouthAfrica
Wellington Wanderers From NewZealand
Lahore Lions From Pakistan
Carribean Furious Fishes From WestIndies
This is it for now we will be back in 5 minutes for the tournment Starter
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