Your Cricket Indoor Cricket

played it alot too at school. a couple competitions. top game. doesnt beat real cricket but its a place where i can fine tune my keeping.
proper indoor cricket isn't played much in England as there aren't many indoor pitch's. I have played it but not in a proper indoor place.

When I say not many indoor pitches I mean proper indoor cricket centre's.
I play, in fact im leaving for my game in an hour. Im not great at it but ive scored a few 50s and my highest score is 85
Also in PE Class we'd play a game of it in the canteen area which was perfect for a game. It was a bit bigger than an actual Indoor Cricket court but it was under cover and had mesh fencing around it

Though I can tell you there was no sliding to make your ground or sliding fielding though as the ground was solid cement
Was that the partnership total or you actually scored 85 by yourself?

'twas a partnership but i did make most of the runs (not being cocky). the guy i batted with was a side net hitter, while i was seeing 'em like beachballs so i went the tonk for the back net
Also do they still have those pizza discs near the top of the back net? Maybe it was just a Newcastle thing but a few had like a hit the sign competition. You hit it and your team won a free pizza

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