Internet Explorer



Guys, I don't know why, but my Internet Explorer doesn't work anymore, if anyone has some suggestion, please tell me..
C'mon.Give some more details.Like have you installed any new plugins or what were you doing?Is it the case where you have installed IE 6 on non Xp machine.
Originally posted by wackojacko@May 3 2004, 02:15 PM
Is it the case where you have installed IE 6 on non Xp machine.

i installed IE6 on Win98 and it works...
Actually it's supposed to work.But there have been many instances where it didn't.I installed it on my previous ME and then no matter what I did I kept getting that idiotic error message.
Originally posted by indyan+May 3 2004, 05:31 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(indyan @ May 3 2004, 05:31 PM)</div>
@May 3 2004, 02:15 PM
Is it the case where you have installed IE 6 on non Xp machine.

i installed IE6 on Win98 and it works...
Actually it's supposed to work.But there have been many instances where it didn't.I installed it on my previous ME and then no matter what I did I kept getting that idiotic error message. [/b]
I had IE 5.5, so after it didn't work, I installed IE 6 and got an error message and I have a Windows ME too.... I hate it....
:P if ulook at the tech tv ,worst five things in the history of internet

on the no 1 spot was the creation of windows me :lol:

that is the worst release ever by microsoft

still u should have gone for the windows update rather then installing ie6 by urself
I really feel for you Pal.I dunno how do you manage with it.
Yes It's the worst release ever by MS.I originally had ME and it made my life h e l l .I craseh it or rather made it unstable.I had to reinstall it several times untill I decided to upgrade to Xp.And that's the best thing I've ever done.

Anyway Pat forget about IE ,take the step forward and experience the revolution in web-browsers.Try out OPERA(oh there I go again) :lol:
Why do most of you guys hate Windows ME i have been using for 2 years and I found no trouble in it at all.

Infact Windows Xp Crashes! Yes CRASHES whenever i try to install my modem drivers so i like Windows ME more than Xp.... :thumbs:
I'm a PC technician and I would neve use ME. Many of my co-workers are microsoft certified engineers, and they wouldn't touch ME with a ten foot barge pole.
B) i would rather use win 98 then go for me :lol:

win xp is good too !

and nikhill it depends how much work u do in windows ,u must not be using to many things in ur pc ,thats y it works .or else winme sucks great deal
PLEASE will anybody tell me difference between Windows ME and Windows 98SE everybody just curses ME WHY!!!

PLEASE!!!! :bow:
The difference is that 98SE is a lot more stable than ME. ME is just a rush released steaming pile of sh*t, that does not work as it should on 99% of PCs.
Yes that's the major diff.Your modem driver is probably incompatible with XP.Nikhil u are the onlyone I have seen that likes ME :blink:
Originally posted by nikhilverma@May 4 2004, 11:19 PM
everybody just curses ME WHY!!!

PLEASE!!!! :bow:
B) i dint curse you :lol:

anyway me is not stable has andrew said ,now that u have upgraded ur pc why dont u install xp -_-

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