Internet Explorer

He has already upgraded to XP.
The problem I had with ME was that after few months it used to become unstable and give the error-message "An error has been caused in Kernel32.dll" randomly.
I had ME for a while before I updated it. Yes it is crap and I think XP is bags better. -_-
Originally posted by indyan@May 5 2004, 01:31 PM
Yes that's the major diff.Your modem driver is probably incompatible with XP.Nikhil u are the onlyone I have seen that likes ME :blink:
Nikhil is not the only one. Iniyan is the other. :D

I had ME for two years, and I did not get into one single problem.

I still have ME on a 4 GB partition, though I run Linux as the major OS.
If you run ME, you are much better running win98SE. A lot more driver support, and a lot more things support it, not like ME
Squiz, I have used windows 3.1 through XP, but I found that I liked ME better than the rest.

I dont understand why people say it does not support things. I cant remember one software/game with compatibility issues ME. Anything I tried it worked fine. Any ideas?
Well the issue is stability and not compability.All things that are compatible with 98 is compatible with ME.

Anyway Iniyan are u back home ?
Whatever, my OS crashed just once, that was when I was fiddling around with the registry keys. So, I have problems with ME.

And, yes, I am back at Lohegaon, but I should get back to Jammu on Monday.
Well for me ME has never crashed!!!
It always runs smoothly infact it runs games much faster the xp..

I play NFSU in XP at abt 23 fps while in ME it goes over 33 fps!
Well here is a review on windows ME by the most popular technology magazine of India


Windows Me
November 06, 2001

Arriving after many delays, Windows Me, is considered by many to be a hybrid between NT/2000 and the Windows 9x range. When it comes to the underlying technology however, it has not taken anything from Windows 2000.

The installation part its much like Windows 98 but with three reboots and few more mouse click that need to be done by you. The process of hardware detaction worked great with Windows Me. The Firewire port capabilities are another addition to Me and supports almost all the generic USB devices. Windows Me no longer has the Real DOS mode but you can use bootable diskettes created during startup to run REAL-MODE DOS applications.

The fact that stability pays is something Microsoft seems increasingly aware of lately, and this is reflected in Me which seems relatively more stable than it's predecessors. The Windows Media player 7.0 and Microsoft Moviemaker adds to it's strength on the multimedia side.

With a 10 fps boost in Quake 2 and around 14 fps boost in Quake 3, this operating system is great upgrade for gaming geeks. It has the beefed up help system that feels just like a web site. You can search through the information or jump to the Micosoft website for more information and assisted support.

Rating: A
XP would run faster than ME if you
1.Stop those unnecessary services from starting up using services.msc(Start from the run tab).Use one of those commonly available lists or refer to this months DIGIT.
2.Remove all the frills like Cleat type font,menu animation,fading,advanced skin etc.

And also XP requires 256 MB Ram for better operation.
THE developers always have to consider things like stability/speed trade-off while designing an OS.XP was made with a great stable kernel,so the speed was a bit compromised and opposite was the case with ME.
Btw did u try Windows XP Home Edition ,it would be a bit faster than its proffesional version.
Originally posted by nikhilverma@May 12 2004, 10:35 AM
Well here is a review on windows ME by the most popular technology magazine of India


Nikhil I doubt if u read Digit.I am it's subscriber.It's not possible to judge the stability of an OS unless you use it for some time(atleast a few months).That review just judged things like Speed,Ease of Installation,Interface etc.
In later issues of Digit itself u'll find that it has written about the lack of stability of Windows Me.

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