Is this what radio entertainment has come to?

Meh, the mothers a b*tch anyway.

Doesnt really matter, Kyle Sandiland`s a tosser.
We have TV show in India on same concept. Of course they dont ask questions like "Were you ***** by anyone?"
Called Moment of Truth by any chance? There was similar sort of outrage when the US version of that show aired here. Getting people on a show and putting them on a lie detector is hardly a new idea, and as the mother was asking the questions, she should get the majority of the blame, and then, the station itself is as much to blame as any of the hosts.
If it wasn't for his outburst it wouldn't have led to him being dumped as an Australian Idol judge let alone his job as a radio host.
The bitches on 60 minutes wouldn't of been ***** and they would of known before hand.

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