Kit Replacer Wont Work!!!



When trying to use the kit replacer an error appears saying the component 'comdlg32.ocx' is missing. ive read the forum pages on the gd kit replacer and descovered a link to get this component, the link doesnt work! some one please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!
thnx barmy army only problem now is when i click on the kit editor it comes up with 'run time error 53' plz help me evey1 i want the damn kit replacer
That's a path not found error but not the usual runtime 76 one. Check your gob directory.txt is pointing to the right location although I don't think that that's your problem.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I tried to use the kit replacer, Player editor and the graphic editor. In all these cases i get an error saying one or more component "comdlg32.ox" is missing. I have read the forms time and again loaded 'comdlg32.ox' and tried to run it it doesn't work I also downloaded the clean expert graphics that too didn't work. I try try and try every day get the same error time and again. Please Please Help me fix this problem thank and hope to receive a solution for this problem soon. :(

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