Live Cricket 2008-2009

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Cheers Kurtkz, are there ways that you can change the keys? EG: <- to move left instead of A, etc, etc?
Yup, go to Options -> Keys. You can set all the keys there. Alternatively plug in a gamepad/joystick before you start the game and it'll be automatically detected.

kurtkz added 41 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...

Oooh, just noticed there's a problem with the friction sometimes. Fixing it now.

kurtkz added 18 Minutes and 19 Seconds later...

Meh, please try out this patch (2.15b) and let me know if it works any better. Download HERE
Mmm, take a look at the log.txt file for me please cricket_guru. It's in the same folder as the executable...

kurtkz added 4 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...

Also, the next update is almost ready...should be up in the next hour or two...

Here is the log file for the latest version of the game (v2.15)


Run: 22/08/2008 18:26:24

(18:26:24.4687500) [.] MESSAGE: Successfully set video mode!
(18:26:24.5156250) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded texture: .\textures\set_batsman.bmp
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: run_up (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: run_down (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: base2 (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: base3 (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: base (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: celebrate (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: cut (3 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: late_cut (3 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: upper_cut (3 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: pull (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: hook (5 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: defense_back (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: defense_front (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: drive_off (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: drive_on (5 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: drive_straight (5 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: drive_off_back (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: drive_on_back (5 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: drive_straight_back (5 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: sweep (5 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: leg_glance (5 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: square_drive (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5312500) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded sprite: batsman (22 animations)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded texture: .\textures\pitch.bmp
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: base (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded sprite: pitch (1 animations)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded texture: .\textures\set_ball.bmp
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: base (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: pink (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: white (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: shadow (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: rough (4 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded sprite: ball (5 animations)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded texture: .\textures\set_wind.bmp
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: base (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded sprite: wind (1 animations)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded texture: .\textures\set_indicators.bmp
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: fast_straight (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: fast_swing_off (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: fast_swing_leg (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: fast_seam_off (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: fast_seam_leg (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: spin_leg (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: spin_off (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: spin_arm (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: spin_top (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5468750) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded sprite: indicators (9 animations)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded texture: .\textures\set_gui.bmp
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: cursor (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: pause (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: play (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ffw (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: rw (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: next (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: prev (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: inc (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: dec (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: up (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: down (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_topleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_topright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_bottomleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_bottomright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_top (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_bottom (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_left (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_right (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: normal_middle (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_topleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_topright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_bottomleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_bottomright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_top (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_bottom (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_left (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_right (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: select_middle (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_topleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_topright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_bottomleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_bottomright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_top (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_bottom (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_left (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_right (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: disable_middle (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_topleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_topright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_bottomleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_bottomright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_top (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_bottom (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_left (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_right (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ingame_middle (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_topleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_topright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_bottomleft (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_bottomright (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_top (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_bottom (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_left (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_right (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: box_middle (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5625000) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded sprite: gui (56 animations)
(18:26:24.5781250) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded texture: .\textures\set_flags.bmp
(18:26:24.5781250) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: rsa (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5781250) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: aus (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5781250) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: sla (1 frames)
(18:26:24.5781250) [.] MESSAGE: Loaded animation: ban (1
@cricket_guru: Mmm, that's very odd. It seems like everything starts up fine. I actually have no idea where the problem would don't see anything on start-up? No splash screen? Just a crash? When it does crash, can you click on View Details and post a screenshot please? That's pretty much the last resort to finding this bug...

kurtkz added 43 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

Meanwhile, I've still been tweaking the interface a bit, changing fonts, replacing bland boxes, etc. and tweaking the balance. Still trying to get the top and bottom edges working better. I'll try to have another version out in the next 2 weeks that will hopefully have the quick simulation working and *maybe* a prelim version of the career mode. If anyone has anything you'd like to see in the career mode, post it on the forum...
@cricket_guru: I still have no idea what the problem might be...I'll upload a special debug version for you to test though. Hopefully that'll tell me what's wrong...

@everyone: I've been thinking about the career mode. How detailed should it be? My idea is that you start as an 18/19 year old playing club cricket. Eventually you get promoted to provincial/county cricket and then ODI's and, lastly, Tests. Along the way, you'll have a list of challenges that you *can* complete (but don't have to) that will unlock some content. What should the details be inbetween? Equipment sponsors, how do the various bits of equipment affect the game, should the player have to manage a budget, should the budget affect his performance (food, rest, popularity, etc.). These are all details that I'd like to have ironed out before I start implementing it...any ideas?
A career mode for me would be something like this.

You create your player, and he arrives at an acadamy (of the users choice) and there is training for him to do, such as maybe hit the wicket 6 times in a row, or hit 6x6's and the such. And then its games against the acadamies.

Now how he develops is up to the user, whether he is to be a slogger, defender etc.

I could go into more detail but thats how i'd think it'd go.

By the way i know you probably don't know who i am, but i do actually follow this thread :)
@Simbazz: That's not a bad idea...would the academy play against academies from other countries then?

The basic gameplay would be:

1 - your team starts playing
2 - the captain decides when you bat and/or bowl
3 - the game is automated until it's your turn
4 - you score runs / take wickets
5 - the game ends and you are scored based on your performance
6 - you get experience points
7 - you spend experience points on bowling/batting/fielding stats
8 - repeat

Now I have a feeling this process will get very boring very quickly, so the game needs "filler" content. I'm not sure about doing mundane things like grocery shopping but it *could* affect the player's performance. Also I could include things like weight training, batting in the nets, bowling at a single stump, etc to improve statistics. The problem is just making enough filler content so that the player doesn't get bored too quickly... ideas for the filler content? :)

kurtkz added 19 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

Just to get everyone's juices flowing, here's an example:


- the player gets a certain income determined by what type of job they have and the club/county/country they play for
- has to budget for food, lodging, entertainment, transport (for example)
- food -> health, how fast you recover, weight
- lodging -> health, how fast you recover
- by spending more money on healthy food, you recover faster - it might be more expensive though and will take time out of your day to prepare
- by spending money on fast food, you have more time to do what you like, but will likely gain weight and recover slower

That's just an example and could be more complex or simpler but that should get the ball rolling...
Mmm, think I've come up with an alternative way to simulate games. It'll be *much* faster, but less realistic. It's a decent tradeoff though. Basically, it determines how many wickets were lost in each innings and what the run rate was. Everything else is determined statistically from that point (including balls faced, runs scored, wickets taken, balls bowled, extras, etc.)...


More's a 2 stage process. The 1st one determines the number of runs scored, wickets taken and run rate. The 2nd one determines the details...
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