Looking for a specific Test matches serie...


School Cricketer
Jul 13, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned

First, I'm not sure if I can post this on the forum, so, moderators, close this topic if it is not appropriate.

Secondly, I'm a looking for the three Test matches (On DVD) that opposed Australia and South Africa in 2006, played in Australia. I'm wondering if any of you have them, and, if so, could you pleased PM me ? Thanks in advance.

It's this serie : http://usa.cricinfo.com/db/ARCHIVE/2005-06/RSA_IN_AUS/SCORECARDS/
Sorry pal, I don't think that an official DVD of this series was ever made so you won't be able to find one.
m_vaughan said:
Maybe I am wrong but wasnt it played in SA?
Yes you are wrong, They played in AUS then went to SA

I don't think you will be able to get this on DVD mate.
Well, I was wondering if anyone had recorded them...

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