It's probably against the rules for me to put my actual most embarrassing stories so i've got 3 relativity family-friendly ones instead.
In chronological order.
1) Got locked in a nightclub on my 18th birthday overnight. I fell over/passed out and banged my head losing consciousness, the club shut ~4am, I set off the alarms trying to escape the locked building at about 8am and the police came to let me out. Walking through town at 8.30am of a friday morning to the hospital with blood pouring from head as people went to work was fun. The police kindly offered me a lift, but i said know out of embarrassment.
2)Aged 20 lost my virginity in particularly warped circumstance, my friends describe it as exchanging my beard for sex in a peculiar trade agreement of sorts. I maintain they were two distinct and separate incidents. The inquest is still ongoing over a year later.
3)had a one night stand about 6 weeks ago. I decided to sneak out while she was asleep at about 8am. I say decided to sneak out i basically had a mini-panic attack when i woke up and was struck with horror at what i had done and fled the scene as quickly as possible. Jumped down a flight of stairs in the block of flats and severely bruised both my knees as i messed up the landing.
Left my phone behind in the flat. Been unable to face up and go and get it back so i just bought a new phone.