My Jokes Thread||Lovers List, Crime Story, Indian moblie connections, Horlicks, LKG Guys Joke


10 years at Planetcricket
Oct 5, 2008
Hyderabad, India.
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Lovers List:-
One Day the teacher asks to students to write their lovers name on a paper.(By giving them)

After 10 seconds:-
Boys:- Madem, Take these....

After 10 Minutes :-
Girls:- Madam, Can we have an Additional Paper??:D:D

Crime Story:-
5 friemds lived in a room, namely:-
Mad, Brain, Fool, Somebody, Nobody.

Oneday, somebody killed nobody.
At that Time, Brain was in Bathroom, so Mad called up Police station.
Mad:- Is it police Station??
PS:- Yeah, Whats the matter??
Mad:- Somebody Killed Nobody.
PS:- Are you mad??
Mad:- Yeah, I am Mad.:D:D
PS:- Don't you have brain??
Mad:- Brain is in Bathroom.:D:D
PS:- You fool..!!
Mad:- Fool is Reading this conversation;);):p:p

Indian Mobile Connections Joke.
on reliance Cot,
BSNL's Bed,
Airtel's Headrest and
Tata's Bedsheet in which you and

Vodafone's Dog.
What an IDEA Sir Jee... (Hindi Word.)
Horlicks Joke.
Sardar Wants to put himself into a Horlicks Bottle.



He says:- To make himself Taller Stronger and Sharper..!!:D:D
LKG boy to school's Joke.

LKG boy talking to his teacher in phone:- Hey, my son can't come to school today as he is suffering with Fever.

Teacher:- May I know who is it the other side??

LKG guy:- Its my father specking..:D:D
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Can you get your coat already?
Ouch. Some of the worst jokes I've ever had the misfortune of reading. Don't give up the day job! The first one is easily the worst, I mean really awful.

================================================== ========
- Getting ready joke

Man asks a man and a woman to go and get ready for night out

After 10 minutes:-
Man: Ready

After 10 hours:-
Woman: Man can we has more time?? :D:D
================================================== ========

Yay, I'm a comedy genius as well =D
@ King Pietersen,
Mate, That joke was a forward message in our Hyderabad city.. everyone (Youth who caries Mobile phone) in hyderabad know the joke which I provided.

TBH, I dunno about the joke which you said.
Indian jokes should be posted in Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, etc but not English as they are not funny, they don't make sense and are in poor English.

I mean, look at this one.

Indian Mobile Connections Joke.
on reliance Cot,
BSNL's Bed,
Airtel's Headrest and
Tata's Bedsheet in which you and

Vodafone's Dog.
What an IDEA Sir Jee... (Hindi Word.)

The joke's in English but the punchline's in Hindi. What's that about?
What a crap thread, have English here if you wanna share something
I honestly mean no disrespect by this - but the majority of Indians who post in joke section have posted some of the worst jokes I think I have ever read. I'm guessing it's the fact that English isn't their first language, or they have different humor...

And the fact they post too many smilies at the end of every joke makes them even worse. ;);):D:cool::p
Aw, give him a break :p. I thought some of them were okay!

The Mobile one was actually pretty funny. :)
You need to be an indian or have Knowledge about India and the media to understand that. You'd giggle if you've it. Just that they don't actually sound good when translated to english. Some jokes have to be native to get the best out of 'em. :p

Basically, the same would apply to the people saying they're the most horrible jokes, whose first language is english . Try to convert a joke from your first language to any indian language or any other, you might sound like a fool.

That's it. :)
I honestly mean no disrespect by this - but the majority of Indians who post in joke section have posted some of the worst jokes I think I have ever read. I'm guessing it's the fact that English isn't their first language, or they have different humor...

And the fact they post too many smilies at the end of every joke makes them even worse. ;);):D:cool::p

its not that we have different humor but these are translated jokes i.e translated from regional languages to english!
i personally translated a few and laughed at myself!
I honestly mean no disrespect by this - but the majority of Indians who post in joke section have posted some of the worst jokes I think I have ever read. I'm guessing it's the fact that English isn't their first language, or they have different humor...

And the fact they post too many smilies at the end of every joke makes them even worse. ;);):D:cool::p

I always found all your content funny, everything even in the issues forum and also in the dad thread ;)

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