Need a little bit of help from other patchers


International Coach
Sep 3, 2003
New Delhi , INDIA
Online Cricket Games Owned
hi guys....i need a little bit of help from you guys.......

The only problem which remains in my patch is the fact that CPU leaves less and tried to defend most of them....let me explain.

if i bowl a ball just short of a length or on length outside off stump then the cpu leaves it....GREAT.

but the problem is that if i bowl an over-pitched ball ANYWHERE outside off-stump the cpu tries to defend it instead of leaving it. this is causing him to poke at all the over-pitched balls outside offstump hence increasing the chance of edging any one of them. he should leave the ball far from off-stump.

i have tried couple of things but no luck.

so if anybody can help me out in this one, i'll be gratefull.
how about changing all front foot defensives to:

BallStumps = 2 = ball hitting stumps

That way they not defensive to any wide balls.

Thas all i can think of
It may have 2 effects:

1. The CPU batsmen will just leave all wide balls.

2. The CPU batsmen will now play aggressive shots to wide balls, leading to more dismissals and possibly more runs. You may need to lower BatEdgeStroke if this happens.
i have tried everything but still no luck.

this thing is driving me nuts, its just blowing my head out.

i can't release my patch untill this thing is fixed.

i seriously need help.
Try changing one of the following

CpuBallBatsman 7.0
CpuBallStump 7.0
CpuBallLength 7.0
what i try doing it taking out the leaving and blocks as much as i can and get them to drive, cut or pull instead. There is always issues with them leaving balls on the stumps so if u take that away or make them only leave down leg side it might help.
this problem is only in test matches. in ODI we or CPU hardly ever defend.

so in test matches i can't make the CPU play any off-side shots early-on coz then they'll edge it.

i need a sure shot solution.

CpuBallBatsman 7.0
CpuBallStump 7.0
CpuBallLength 7.0

we don't understand how to change them. no explaination has been given about them by anyone. but i think that 7.0 means that cpu should be able to play every delivery of any line and length so changing it to sumthing else will hamper the cpu stroke selection and gameplay.
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problem solved.

well i tried some more thing and after a lot of testing it worked.

now cpu leaves off-side over pitched ball when low in confidence.

thnx guys, thnx for tring to solve my problem.
Good to hear Tutsi.

I was gonna say if that didn't work, to try increasing the CPU Reward value and decreasing the difficulty so there are less edges, but good to hear it's all solved :)

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