New Update Discussion

@MattW sir please add in next update full sleeves wicketkeeper option and field circle and also overlay editor for different overlays without these stuffs game will always be less valuable but adding these will make game worth valuable
Look trust me @varunschuey this game is ahhf@ckinmazing if you dig deeper, play it some more, fiddle with the sliders, go create something, in no cricket game have I ever learnt to leave a ball! Yes learning how to leave a ball is quite fun... this game could well be the greatest cricket sim EVER! I mean I can guarantee by the time the annoying bugs are fixed, then every cricket game fan will be talking how good this game REALLY is! I'm hooked atm, and the best thing is,its going to get even better! Miles in front of dbc 14 already!!!
You went from being negative to positive, I am sure that's a great positive sign for BA! Enjoy Mate!
Wait, so a season and a half in to my single player career if I go and simulate a match I will get a season and a half worth of ability bump?

I am going to be a god!
1. I do not care about women's teams, domestic teams and gully cricket.
Perhaps we should have a poll of how many people care about having a depth and variety in the teams they play for and against. You asked "who needs them" - well that's the answer - people after an in depth career mode. And plenty of people put thousands of hours into theirs in the previous game.

You might not be interested, but those teams are not 'placeholders' - they are core to the game's most played mode, and one of the most requested features.

You dismiss the time and effort put in the game, and you dismiss the thousands of pieces of feedback that were addressed, the features that were added from extensively listening to the community. But no wonder you're not seeing it if you're playing with three teams at the same ground over and over.

Feedback was heard when deciding what features to include in the game, and listening to feedback will continue to be how the games keep improving. If you bothered to be constructive rather than saying how everything's shit, then perhaps I and others at Big Ant might be inclined to listen to your feedback, and not write you off as having nothing of substance to say because all you've got is hurling insults.

If you make it hard for me to read your feedback because it's layered in hyperbole and hate - then you may as well never bothered typing the words in the first place.
They did not have a couple of days....they had more than 2 years to release a developed the looks of it they have not spent more than a few months to compile this piece of crap.

Total and utter non-sense. They have been making Academy Releases week after week for PC since *few months*, never mind the time actually spent in development before that not only on the Academy but on the game itself. We know you feel "morally" obligated to tell the world how utter crap this game is. But make sure you are equally obligated to inform the world how capable you are of making up utter crap like this.
Perhaps we should have a poll of how many people care about having a depth and variety in the teams they play for and against. You asked "who needs them" - well that's the answer - people after an in depth career mode. And plenty of people put thousands of hours into theirs in the previous game.

You might not be interested, but those teams are not 'placeholders' - they are core to the game's most played mode, and one of the most requested features.

You dismiss the time and effort put in the game, and you dismiss the thousands of pieces of feedback that were addressed, the features that were added from extensively listening to the community. But no wonder you're not seeing it if you're playing with three teams at the same ground over and over.

Feedback was heard when deciding what features to include in the game, and listening to feedback will continue to be how the games keep improving. If you bothered to be constructive rather than saying how everything's shit, then perhaps I and others at Big Ant might be inclined to listen to your feedback, and not write you off as having nothing of substance to say because all you've got is hurling insults.

If you make it hard for me to read your feedback because it's layered in hyperbole and hate - then you may as well never bothered typing the words in the first place.

I feel the womens game should be promoted and part of the game it is upto the individual to choose to play with those teams it does add another dynamic angle on game play.
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Perhaps we should have a poll of how many people care about having a depth and variety in the teams they play for and against. You asked "who needs them" - well that's the answer - people after an in depth career mode. And plenty of people put thousands of hours into theirs in the previous game.

You might not be interested, but those teams are not 'placeholders' - they are core to the game's most played mode, and one of the most requested features.

You dismiss the time and effort put in the game, and you dismiss the thousands of pieces of feedback that were addressed, the features that were added from extensively listening to the community. But no wonder you're not seeing it if you're playing with three teams at the same ground over and over.

Feedback was heard when deciding what features to include in the game, and listening to feedback will continue to be how the games keep improving. If you bothered to be constructive rather than saying how everything's shit, then perhaps I and others at Big Ant might be inclined to listen to your feedback, and not write you off as having nothing of substance to say because all you've got is hurling insults.

If you make it hard for me to read your feedback because it's layered in hyperbole and hate - then you may as well never bothered typing the words in the first place.

I agree that different people want different things. No arguments there and, you are one of the few people that I really respect on this forum.

Please show me where the hyperbole/hate/slang etc is in my Review piece, and if none exists how do you explain the lack of acknowledgement/support.

There is no denying that I have taken a harder stance after that. It is partly due to the game but more because of the lack of admittance, and even more because of the way so called seniors and moderators attack anyone (displaying double standards and vengeance) who does not sing praises of the game.

I was even threatened with words like 'I DARE YOU' for questioning why bits and pieces of my review were deleted from the Bigant forum and why the moderator turned it into Pink font to deter people from reading the same. The review had no hate/hyperbole and was well written but this kind of unprofessional behavior sparks a reaction.
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Okay, so if you take just the on disk domestic teams - in DBC14 you can play domestic cricket in two countries.

Without downloading a single thing in DBC17, you can play a career in 8 additional countries, all with unique formats, fixtures and teams.

Without downloading a single thing in DBC17, you can start in club cricket in over 1000 different places around the world - and then earn contracts to play in competitions in all those countries.

Without downloading a single thing in DBC17, you can do all of that as a female cricketer as well! With the female career also having unique formats, fixtures and teams.

And yes - you can make your own 'Bees and Flies' - then you can design them a custom stadium - or seven - you can design and give them your own custom logo, create and customise all the players on your teams, giving them unique bats with any design you like, you could give them tattoos you design, you can create a kit for the team with any design you can think of. On console, right now, no downloads, no additional payments.

And then, once you've done that, you could make that your club team and start your career for them and work up to the international level - and then maybe you could go online and start downloading something.
That is so disappointing. I wish I could play in more than 1000 different places in the world and maybe Jupiter and Mars too.
Can we all please just ignore chueybacca and his minions; he really is just tweaked up and lives on the attention he gets thinking he is some sort of Jean d Arc saving the masses whilst he is fact an utter nerd sitting in his bedroom too long
Has anyone at BigAnt had a perusal around the issues with batting yet?
I agree that different people want different things. No arguments there and, you are one of the few people that I really respect on this forum.

Please show me where the hyperbole/hate/slang etc is in my Review piece, and if none exists how do you explain the lack of acknowledgement/support.

There is no denying that I have taken a harder stance after that. It is partly due to the game and partly due to the lack of admittance, and more importantly the way so called seniors and moderators attack anyone (displaying double standards and vengeance) who does not sing praises of the game.

The game appears to be severely under-developed and curiously worse than its predecessor as several aspects of core gameplay which worked well in the previous edition are broken here. I am not sure what the Developers and the QA team at Bigant were thinking before releasing this game. All of these issues were apparent to me within 2-3 hours of playing the game and it is baffling as to how Bigant missed them (did they play the game even once before releasing it – pun intended).

This ‘Diving Mania’ coupled with the fact that players pause for a second or two before breaking the bails has rendered running between the wickets a complete joke.

The graphics are similar to an early PS3 game and appears to run at an acceptable frame rate. It appears that there is a slight improvement in graphics (especially the grass) as opposed to DBC 14, but definitely not one would expect for a game released almost 3 years after its predecessor.
And, being honest in the friendliest sense you are the ones that haven't put statistics into a statistics driven sport based game have you ever read Wisdon?

To be honest I've never read, or even heard of Wisdon. To be fair I don't think I'd much care to either as I read Wisden.

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