No balls?



Hi all,

Hoping someone can help me.

I'm bowling at least 1-2 no balls per over. It seems as if the X button on my PS2 controller is not responding when I press it, and the meter continues into the red. The X button works fine in all other games, and in the Cricket 2004 menus.

I have tried another controller and the symptoms are the same. It does not matter which controller port of the PS2 i'm using either.

Is anyone else finding this? Any ideas?
I am not facing such kind of problem but I hope that any other guy may be figure out that what is story behind it.
All I can suggest is to press X earlier, perhaps it takes a few split seconds to respond.
maybe your always using the x button to stop the power from rising?if not then i don't know.
Try this...Unplug your contoller from your USB port and then plug it back in. Sometimes when my controller is wigging out, I do just that and it fixes itself. If that doesn't work, then the X button on your PS2 controller might be worn out due to overuse....if that's the case then you're going to have to go and grab a new one from a shop.
I've only played the game for a little while, so I don't know if it affects it, but when you select a non X delivery (O, SQUARE, or TRIANGLE) are you using the same button to stop the meter?
The problem occurs for me across both controllers. One is a Dual Shock 2 that came with the PS2, and the other is a Dual Shock 1 controller.

I press the x button to stop the meter, no matter what type of delivery I have selected.

Its not a matter of me pressing it too late because I have tried pressing it as soon as I see the meter, but the meter continues to rise....i have even tried continually tapping the x button before the meter appears and sometimes it does respond (and the meter stops at its lowest point) and other times the meter does not stop and a no ball results.

If noone else is seeing it, i'm wondering if it is something to do with my PS2 (as both ports experience it, and both controllers). However, x button responds fine in menus.

Thanks to all for your suggestions. I will try another Dual Shock 2 controller and a friend's PS2 and will reply with the results.
Sometimes when you try to do a non-X delivery, it doesn't work, then you have to resort to using X.
if you do a non-x delivery (say triangle) if you press that at the beggining if you wanted to do a slower ball to stop the power meter you have to press triangle again not x. you only press x again if you press x at the begining to get the circle up. sorry a bit hard to explain :huh:
heres a better explanation:
What ever button you use to start the deliery you use that button to stop the delivery
thats exactly what that dude up there said.listen peoples,listen.

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