OKAY joke

hi ppl

International Captain <br><a href="http://www.plan
Apr 4, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
There are 3 people on a boat named Stupid, Nothing and No One.
No One fell overboard. Nothingg told Stupid to call the police.
"Hello. I'm Stupid. I'm calling for Nothing because No One fell overboard.":)

Teacher: Can you say your name backwards?
Simon: No miss.

:D Rahaha, the first joke was absoluetly hilarious while the second one was okay. Did you think of those jokes yourself mate?
From Duffarama.
My Friend told me this one.

One day when a person's wife was giving birth the husband was curious how many he had. The nurse came out and said the first came out and the second one was coming.He said "Jeez, twins."
There was a pub next door to the hospital so he got a drink. When he came back the nurse said the 2nd ones out but there is a 3rd. He got more drinks and came back. The nurse said the 3rd is out but there is a 4th. He went to the pub and stayed there. He decided to phone the hospital but he was soo drunk that he phoned the cricket score. It said ," 10 out and the first one was a duck."

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