Shock scoop about ZoraxDoom's past.
Delving back into the archives evidence has been uncovered that ZoraxDoom, proud member of the Downright Donkeys and Manchester Divided, spent a season playing for Dublin Destroyers in PCPL1.
A spokesman for the Dozy Doosras said that this shock revelation about Zorax's past will surely propel him away from the Powder Puff Penguins and towards his spiritual home - sides that have 2 Ds in their name.
Announcing today that Shrek's Swamp will shortly be unveiling a statue in honour of Zorax, one of their most famous players, a source close to management added ominously "or we could just sink it in the outfield".
Penguins will be pleased to have you.Contemplating the Penguins or the Doosras.
Ok, here is the deal if you want me.
I want 10 vCash in every match I play.(Reason: I'm a bargain)
I get to be the captain.
I get a minority stake in this team.
I will sometimes ask for a loan from you(vCash), I'll repay it but you have to give me vCash at that time.
You should use the kit I design as the secondary kit.
I have to get half-control over Meet or Zorax if they play in my team
If you're okay I'll join you.
Sinister Sharks - the first team to build a playing XI