Performing Arts

Yeah, I'm doing Grade 8 in March...

The West End stuff's only a dream really, slightly more realistic is to become an Organ Scholar at a university (hopefully Oxbridge) in a few years time... (But that's another topic :p)
Best of luck with that, of course if you have Grade 8 piano, you can also be a pianist and earn money that way! Organ sounds bloody hard to learn to me, but good luck anyway!
Well I've done my Grade 6 on the organ, and I am Junior Organ Scholar at my local church, and I play in school chapel...

I hope to get Grade 8 in the next couple of years...
Well I've done my Grade 6 on the organ, and I am Junior Organ Scholar at my local church, and I play in school chapel...

I hope to get Grade 8 in the next couple of years...

You've done the right thing, you started young, unlike me!! I'd have been Grade 8 by now! Oh well, ce la vie. At least it's not too late for the acting/singing...
Just thought I should mention this for people thinking of looking to get into drama school: There are certain schools that will try to completely take over your life, I think one is called 'The Academy of the Science of Acting & Directing'. From what I've heard, this place is basically a cult, they try to control everything about you! I was told this by numerous teachers at my old drama college (part time) and all of them said the same thing. As well as this, they said that the shows produced by the school were of extremely poor quality. If you're considering this school, do a bit of research first, and be extremely wary!

If you want to learn about good schools, then any school accredited by these guys: should be fine!

Good luck to anyone auditioning this year!
Why are you putting people off other schools, just so they go to yours?

I'm sure all the schools are of good standards.
I assure you, I am not affiliated with any school in any way, I'm just passing on what I've heard. The only way I'll be affiliated with a school will be if they decide to take me on as a student!

I'm not at a college right now, I'm concentrating on one 2 one tuition for my drama school auditions.

If I'm honest, I wish acting was something I'd been keen on/got into when I was younger. It just wasnt the "cool" thing to do at the time. Funny how you look back on these things!
jj the word "cool" has changed to "kool" recently.

If I'm honest, I wish acting was something I'd been keen on/got into when I was younger. It just wasnt the "cool" thing to do at the time. Funny how you look back on these things!

Thanks mate, but getting the audition is the easy part It's getting in that's really tough, but I've got a new coach who has been on audition panels, so if anyone can get me through the minefield, it's her.

How old are you, by the way? I've heard of people at proper full time drama school as old as forty!
Thanks mate, but getting the audition is the easy part It's getting in that's really tough, but I've got a new coach who has been on audition panels, so if anyone can get me through the minefield, it's her.

How old are you, by the way? I've heard of people at proper full time drama school as old as forty!

I'm only turning 21 in a couple of months. But, as Im sure you're aware, it's difficult to start something completely new from this sort of age. Especially something that you have no idea if you're good at or not, and after doing a degree in something so different.

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