PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Nah i reckon we've just got too much quality.

Carn Tornadoes!

A match on our home turf ay... we'll need to buy some more soft drink for the bar Therbs to account for these guys.
Or Lager. They'll take either.
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A match on our home turf ay... we'll need to buy some more soft drink for the bar Therbs to account for these guys.
I'm meeting some Swedes tonight, wonder if I can get some sponsorship hooked up for the return match. Jars, got my hands full mate. 12 breasts and just me to handle them. Give Hooper a Buzz, he's a lovable sort, we'll get him screwed blind before the match. If he's a paceman, he'll end up bowling pace not seen since my four year old little girl cousin was sending them at me in the backyard at Chrissy.
I think we've moved on from that mate, the criticism was aimed at the not so subtle swearing that was obviously intended to break the rules. Now that we're all enemies on the field again, let's get back to sledging.

Forget that ODI loss, we'll just take the 3-0, 3-0 whitewash and call it a dream.

Edited for accuracy.

In fact, some of you guys will be having nightmares for years to come after the hammering you'll cop in this series.
Others will suppress the memories but they'll accidently re-surface later in life when you're in therapy, trying to re-capture the years of fun you've missed from taking life too sreiously.
The rest will just slip directly into manic depression and will soon be replacing their cricket pads with straight jackets.

I wish you all well in your post-series recoveries
Edited for accuracy.

In fact, some of you guys will be having nightmares for years to come after the hammering you'll cop in this series.
Others will suppress the memories but they'll accidently re-surface later in life when you're in therapy, trying to re-capture the years of fun you've missed from taking life too sreiously.
The rest will just slip directly into manic depression and will soon be replacing their cricket pads with straight jackets.

I wish you all well in your post-series recoveries
But what happens when Australia kills the Poms in the ashes? Will we see a mass suicide?
I'm meeting some Swedes tonight, wonder if I can get some sponsorship hooked up for the return match. Jars, got my hands full mate. 12 breasts and just me to handle them. Give Hooper a Buzz, he's a lovable sort, we'll get him screwed blind before the match. If he's a paceman, he'll end up bowling pace not seen since my four year old little girl cousin was sending them at me in the backyard at Chrissy.

Swedes don't have butlers which is a bit of a let-down but I'll do it as a favour to you and to the series.
If spending time with these Swedish girls could bring sponsorship for the series and they're obviously in need of passion I'd be happy to go over and fill their passion void from my end:thumbs:rtfl

It'll be great if Hoops comes along. Obviously it could affect his performance in the series as being on this site I'd expect that he's pretty much been living the life of a priest and it'll definitely wear him out for the series but also because I like the guy and think he's worthy of the opportunity:D
I tell you what this forum lacks?

Female Panda's. The world of TF is full of them. What does a Panda need to do to get laid around here? But I suppose its a bad thing for them also. With no female Panda's, I might actually focus on my bowling.

I feel a few 5 fas coming up!

I reckon I allready have this Hooper guy sorted out. A few up around the rib cage followed by some brilliant outswing to get the edge.
What's more terrifying on a cricket pitch than a horny panda charging in towards you?
A horny Panda keeping up to the stumps right behind you as you take strike?
A match on our home turf ay... we'll need to buy some more soft drink for the bar Therbs to account for these guys.
We've got that home brew ginger beer going for the people who drive cars. The P.C. crew can have that but I'll have to keep an eye on them around the jelly wrestling pool. Be good if they can pop in for a visit. We may even name a brew after them if they're nice.
I just noticed a little present from someone here with a note saying "it'll not be surprising considering your ignorance!".

No idea who it's from but they person responsible will know exactly what I'm talking about. Would this person mind stepping forward and explaining it to me please?

Edit: The present was negative BTW;)
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Usually if someone bangs on about ignorance and doesn't substantiate it then they're showing their insecurity with their own intellect.
Nail them Jar.
I'm discussing with Huss about a return tour after this one, so hopefully we can tee something up.
If this tour is successful, I think it would only be fair for PC to reciprocate and come to TF.
They probably wouldn't want to do that, you know these upper class Englishmen might think playing in our forum is a step down from their poshness.
I think Frosty really loves this forum and will stay after the tour.

Would fit in well with the other Nazis.

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