Planetcricket Chatroom Details!


Executive member
Jun 27, 2002
Southport, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
As you may have read on the news page of the site we have launched at Planetcricket Chatroom. The chatroom is open 24 hours a day and is frequently used by staff members, forum admins and Cricket 2004 patch makers.

The chatroom can be accessed directly from the site using a Java Chat applet by clicking on "Planetcricket Chatroom" at the top of the main forum index page as shown below:


or by clicking on "Chatroom" of the menu on the main site. Another way to access it is using this URL -

When the page loads you will be shown a security window asking if you want the chat software to run, you need to press yes on this to use the chatroom.

You will then see a chat box which you can enter a nickname into before pressing "Connect Now". You do not need to enter a real name or change any of the other settings:


You will then need to wait while you are connected to the server and the planetcricket channel. When connected the chatroom will look like this:


You can type messages into the box at the bottom of the chatroom and press return to send them to the chatroom. The colour and bold options allow the style of your messages to be changed. To leave the chatroom just click Disconnect or close your browser window.

To use the chatroom using this Java chatroom you need to have the Java Virtual Machine installed on your computer. has more information on where you can download this from.

Alteratively you can use an IRC client like MIRC to connect to the chatroom. To do this choose to connect to the BeyondIRC server, enter a nickname and click "Connect to IRC server".


When you are connected to the server click on the channels button on the toolbar as shown below:

Enter "planetcricket" (without the quotation marks) as the channel name to join and click Join to start chatting:


If you have any problems or questions about the new chatroom please post them on this topic.


How about having the chatroom window pop-up when you come to the site? that will hopefully make more members log in. :rolleyes:
Please state what times you would be able to visit the chatroom? Then we will try and organise a daily or weekly time when everyone is in the chatroom!

Most of all, dont be put off if there is no one else in the chatroom, stick around for abit or try again later and hopefully there will be more people chatting then!
Well i got school holidays coming up so thats 3 weeks of nothing to do. So by saying that i could be in there about half the day since i'm planet crickets AFL expert.
I'm in there right now if anyone wants to talk about any sport, not nessecarily cricket.

*Note* Now means 12:35pm GMT +10 16 June 2004.

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