Planetcricket E-fed - Signups/Interest thread

The Spin

Panel of Selectors
Sep 24, 2005
Connor (GrayNicolls) and myself want to start an efed for Planetcricket. An efed is basically an internet wrestling promotion where you sign up as a wrestler. Every week there will be a new show and you will have to roleplay as your character. That means writing a promo for yourself. It can be an interview, coming out and talking to the crowd or something more creative. The only thing you can't do is attack your opponent or use them at all without their permission via PM. The person in the match who has the best Roleplay (aka RP) will be the winner of the match. Connor and I will judge this.

Here is a tip sheet from another fed I found and is pretty good:

So if you are interested and committed, so no dropping out, here is the sign-up form:

Johnny Styles
Tun Mun
Zoraxis Notradamus
Don Pedro
JJ Simpson

General Information
Wrestler Name:
Wrestler Real Name:
Alignment (Heel (bad guy)/Face (good guy)/Tweener):

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Ring Attire:
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire:

Personality Traits/Entrance
Personality and Style:
Entrance Music:
Entrance Details:

15 Common Moves:

Finishing Move:
Submission Move:
Highflying Move:
Trademark Move:

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):
-Other (Please Specify)


Strength (1-10):
Submission (1-10):
Speed (1-10):
Hardcore Ability (1-10):
Brawling (1-10):
Total: X/40
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General Information
Wrestler Name: Johnny Styles
Wrestler Real Name: Connor Rawlings
Height: 5'10
Weight: 198 lbs
Age: 23
Hometown: Southampton, England
Race: Caucasian
Alignment (Heel (bad guy)/Face (good guy)/Tweener): Heel

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Build: Athletic, agile.
Appearance: Brown spiky hair, slightly tanned, brown eyes
Ring Attire: In-ring, wears gold trousers, gold boots and a big gold chain
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: Wears suit outside of ring with trademark shades.
Picture(s): AJ Styles

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: Believes he's focus of promotion, likes punishing people
Personality and Style: Cocky, Arrogant
Entrance Music: Animal I have Become- Three Days Grace
Entrance Details: "The Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace plays in the arena as Johnny Styles comes out to the stage area. He walks down to the ring, stops, does a backflip and when he lands fireworks are set off from the stage. He continues down to the ring and climbs every turnbuckle in turn laughing at the crowd.

15 Common Moves:
1. Hurricanrana
2. German Suplex
3. Moonsault
4. Dropkick
5. Flying Head Scissors
6. Boston Crab
7. Superkick
8. Clothesline
9. Belly to Belly
10. Frog Splash
11. DDT
12. Flip-over DDT
13. Chinlock
14. Standing Corkscrew Senton
15. Spear

Finishing Move: Styles Destroyer (Canadian Destroyer)
Submission Move: Styleshooter (Sharpshooter)
Highflying Move: Stylesault (Corkscrew Moonsault)
Trademark Move: Stylesteiner (Frankensteiner)

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):
- Speedy

Strength (1-10): 6
Submission (1-10): 8
Speed (1-10): 10
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 4
Brawling (1-10): 6
Total: 34/40

New rule- Have to give 1 show warning before quitting.
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General Information
Wrestler Name: don pedro
Wrestler Real Name: brian blessed
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 24 stones
Age: 18
Hometown: southampton
Race: cauc
Alignment : face

Wrestler Appearance/Attire: white pant things, elbow pads
Build: muscles
Appearance: mid length hair, bushy beard
Ring Attire: white pants elbow pads.......
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: suit

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: funny lad
Personality and Style: gets on with everyone
Entrance Music: girlfriend - avril lavigne
Entrance Details: don pedro comes out to the ring high fiving fans when he gets in the ring, he does a little jig to big cheers

15 Common Moves:
1. clothesline
2. ankle lock
3. spear
4. suplex
5. knee to face
6. headbutt
7. superkick
8. ddt
9. pedro cutter
10. crucifix powerbomb
11. Argentine facebuster
12. belly to belly suplex
13. boston crab
14. backbreaker

15. piledriver

Finishing Move: pedro lock (masterlock)
Submission Move: masked ball (chickenwing crossface)
Highflying Move: love jump (flying crossbody)
Trademark Move: matchmaker (olympic slam)

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):

Strength (1-10): 10
Submission (1-10): 7
Speed (1-10): 2
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 8
Brawling (1-10): 8
Total: 35/40

Also, a rule has been agreed that you have to give a one show warning before leaving PCWF, so we have time to fit in the show the whole leaving thing etc.
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General Information
Wrestler Name: ""The One and Only" Chesney Daniels
Wrestler Real Name: Chesney Daniels
Height: 6"0'
Weight: 208lb
Age: 22
Hometown: Manchester, England
Race: Caucasian
Alignment (Heel (bad guy)/Face (good guy)/Tweener): Heel

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Build: Athletic
Appearance: Fairly pale, spiked red hair, hazel eyes
Ring Attire: Black trousers with red pattern, elbow pads, boots and gloves
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: Black shirt with red pattern, Blue Jeans
Picture(s): N/A

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: Arrogant, thinks he is top of the fed
Personality and Style: Arrogant
Entrance Music: Dragongirth - White Knuckle (
Entrance Details: The lights go down and Dragongirth hits signalling the arrival of Daniels. Blinding red lights go up on the stage and out he steps into the light, only his sillhouette visible. He raises his right index finger in his signature pose to a chorus of boos. A huge pyro explosion takes place behind him and the lights return to normal as Daniels walks down the ramp. He slides in and repeats his pose.

15 Common Moves:
1. Headscissors Takedown
2. Missile Dropkick
3. Armdrag
4. Snap Suplex
5. DDT
6. German Suplex
7. Firemans Carry Takeover
8. Samoan Drop
9. Bulldog
10. Death Valley Driver
11. Flapjack
12. Rib breaker
13. Hurricarana
14. Crossbody dive
15. Frankensteiner

Finishing Move: One and Only Driver (Reverse DDT)
Submission Move: One Lock (STF)
Highflying Move: Daniels Dive (Double Moonsault)
Trademark Move: Front Powerslam

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):

Strength (1-10): 8
Submission (1-10): 8
Speed (1-10): 9
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 5
Brawling (1-10): 7
Total: 37/40

Please use mine and Connnor's sign-ups as a guideline for yours
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General Information
Wrestler Name: Tun Mun
Wrestler Real Name: Tujinder Manveer
Height: 5 ft 7
Weight: 10 stone
Age: 15
Hometown: Charlton
Race: Sikh
Alignment (Heel (bad guy)/Face (good guy)/Tweener): Tweener

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Build: Skinny but bult in the arms
Appearance: Patka (see Harbajan Singh's), generally skinny, built arms, slight moustache, large forehead
Ring Attire: T-**** and jogging bottoms
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: Same but with a hoody on
Picture(s): No thanks

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: Regular person
Personality and Style: Funny interviews, deadly mood swings, very unstable
Entrance Music: Kanye West - This Way
Entrance Details: Lights off. Huge pyro and lights come on. Slow walk to the ring

15 Common Moves:
1. Flapjack
2. 1 inch punch
3. Cross arm bar
4. Ankle Lock
5. Snap suplex
6. Fisherman Suplex into the pin
7. Single Leg takedown to reverse a waist lock
8. Running knee to the mid section
9. Scoop slam
10. Middle rope leg drop
11. Elbow drop
12. Top rope bulldog
13. Fame Asser
14. Pumphandle Slam
15. Top rope chairshot

Finishing Move: Last Ride into Go 2 Sleep
Submission Move: Front face lock choke into suplex which turns into a hanging choke from the inside of the ring on the other person hanging outside the apron,
Highflying Move: Flip leg drop (See: Houston Hang Over)
Trademark Move: Elbow/Forearm to the face

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):


Strength (1-10): 7
Submission (1-10): 10
Speed (1-10): 4
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 7
Brawling (1-10): 9
Total: 37/40
Why not...

General Information
Wrestler Name: Zoraxis Nostradamus
Wrestler Real Name: Zorax Doom
Height: 190 cm.
Weight: 65 Kg.
Age: 22
Hometown: Dubai, UAE
Race: Indian
Alignment: Tweener

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Build: Skinny
Appearance: Nerdyish, with glasses
Ring Attire: Shorts, headband, no glasses
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: Suit, top hat, glasses, tie.
Picture(s): Sorry, none.

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: Eductated guy, know it all, literally.
Personality and Style: Nice, poliet, very cunning, loyal, proud to be Indian.
Entrance Music: 'Dus Bahane' (Line to be used: "Dus Bahane kurke laygaye dil, laygaye dil. 'Here we go now!' Dus bahane kurke laygaye dil!")
Entrance Details: Walks in, straightens tie and top hat, raises arms to crowd.

15 Common Moves:
1. Dropkick
2. Eye gouge
3. Low blow
4. Headbutt
5. Spear
6. Knee to gut
7. Ankle lock
8. Body slam
9. Clothseline
10. Kick to face
11. Suplex
12. Knee to face
13. Headlock
14. Ram head against turnbuckles
15. Chinlock

Finishing Move: 619!
Submission Move: Figure 8 leg lock
Highflying Move: Anyone which Rey Mysterio does
Trademark Move: Pick up hidden cricket bat, and smash guy on head :p Nah, if that doesn't work, then 619!

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):
1. Speedy (Uses speed to dodge and cofuse opponents)

Strength (1-10): 5
Submission (1-10): 7
Speed (1-10): 10
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 4
Brawling (1-10): 6
Total: 32/40
There ya go :)
Thanks for signing up, guys. It's great to see some different characters. Most efeds have same old characters, but you guys have got some good ones.
General Information
Wrestler Name: JJS
Wrestler Real Name: JJ Simpson
Height: 183cm
Weight: 62kg
Age: 23
Hometown: Dunedin, New Zealand
Race: White
Alignment: Face

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Build: Skinny
Appearance: Brown mop hair, tattoo across upper back
Ring Attire: Bright green vest with 'J' insignia, baggy black trousers, boots [Think Jeff Hardy in 2002]
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: The same except for a long black coat.
Picture(s): None, sorry.

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: A dude, sarcastic and funny. Bit of a ladies man.
Personality and Style: Funny, sarcastic, a good allie. Only involved when he needs to.
Entrance Music: Young Jeezy - Trap Star
Entrance Details: The music and video starts, as JJS appears on stage, getting the fans going. He performs his famous Peace sign and runs down to the ring. Sliding into the ring, JJS runs to the opposite post and flips from the rope. He springs in the air and punches it violently. Suddenly, a single firework is fired, shocking the fans and ultimately jibbing them up.

15 Common Moves:
1. Moonsault
2. German Suplex
3. Oklahoma Slam
4. Elevated Powerbomb
5. Tornado DDT
6. Swanton Bomb
7. Twist of Fate
8. Frog Splash
9. Suplex
10. Dragon Suplex
11. Crossface Crippler
12. Two Handed DDT
13. Spear
14. Flapjack
15. Hurraicainerana from turnbuckle.

Finishing Move: Flyin' Tooo High (Springboard Moonsault to Pin)
Submission Move: Wrappin' Things Up (Sharpshooter)
Highflying Move: The Encore (Shooting Star Press to Pin)
Trademark Move: BackToBack (Belly to Back Suplex)

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):
-Other (Please Specify)

1. Hardcore
2. Submissionist
3. Aerial

Strength (1-10): 8
Submission (1-10): 7
Speed (1-10): 8
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 8
Brawling (1-10): 6
Total: 37/40

Ladies and gentleman, J..J..S!!!

P.S: If we are accepted, can we do our interviews/promos straight away??
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Everyone is accepted. There's no real need to do interviews/promos just yet. We're just getting people signed up. If there's enough interest, then we'll start this thing.
General Information
Wrestler Name: Pinchinator
Wrestler Real Name: Pinchy "blink-182 Rocks" McPinch
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 68kg
Age: 18
Hometown: lets just say San Diego, Califrorna
Race: White
Alignment: Mega Heel

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Build: Average
Appearance: Brown emoish hair with a bit of a mullet forming :cool:, Umm same tatoos as Travis Barker a.k.a the Drummer from blink-182 and +44 a lipring in the middle of bottom lip, a nose ring amd a left "button" ear ring
Ring Attire: White Long sleeves coming from a Man City jersey Greenish knee length cargo pants, White trainers
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: same except a slanded to the right black hat with a SMP logo on the front and red under rim :p

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: Read Below
Personality and Style: A Guy who dosent give a **** but anyone and anything
Entrance Music: Rob Zombie - Let The Bodies Hit The Floor
Entrance Details:Run Program: C:\Program Files\Pinchinator
comes on the screen Then an explosion goes and Let The Bodies Hit the Floor by Ron Zombie echos through the arena, He comes out to a crowd full of boos but he dosent care he's totally focused on the ring and match ahead coming out with his guitar like a samari sword swang over his back.

15 Common Moves:
1. Spear
2. Clothsline
3. Senton Bomb
4. Pulling Piledriver
5. Diamond Dust
6. Falling Powerbomb
7. Diving Spear
8. Benoit Diving Headbutt
9. Diving Chothsline
10. Sharpshooter
11. 5 knukle Shuffle
12. Jumping Tornado DDT
13. Tombstone Piledriver
14. Edgeucation
15. Big Boot

Finishing Move: Chokeslam
Submission Move: Ankle Lock
Highflying Move: Swanton Bomb from a 20 foot ladder
Trademark Move: The Last Ride onto an acoustic Guitar

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):
-Other (Please Specify)

1. Hardcore
2. Submissionist
3. Muscular

Strength (1-10): 9
Submission (1-10): 7
Speed (1-10): 6
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 10
Brawling (1-10): 6
Total: 38/40
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Youre in. Just as a BTW, attributes effect nothing really, they just show us what type of wrestler you are. A 40 total vs a 0 total will go to whoever RPs better
General Information
Wrestler Name: Jimmy G
Wrestler Real Name: James Griffen
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 4 stone
Age: 44
Hometown: Pretoria
Race: Asian
Alignment: Heel

Wrestler Appearance/Attire:
Build: Muscular
Appearance: Well built, body builder. :D
Ring Attire: Jeans, South Africa cricket shirt, barefoot.
Out-of-Ring/Promo Attire: Same
Picture(s): N/A, sorry.

Personality Traits/Entrance
Gimmick: Mafia
Personality and Style: Has two cronies, Goyle + Crabbe
Entrance Music: Sandstorm - Darude
Entrance Details: Jimmy G comes out with Crabbe and Goyle behind him, to big boos. He tries highfiving some fans, but they ignore him, so he swears at them, to more boos. When he gets in the ring, he slowly pelvic thrusts, to even bigger boos.

15 Common Moves:
1. Diving Headbutt
2. Clothesline from Hell
3. 5 Knuckle Shuffle
4. FU
5. F5
6. Frog Splash
7. Triple Nelson Slam
8. Chokeslam
9. Tombstone Piledriver
10. 619
11. 5 Star Frog Splash
12. RKO
13. Spear
14. Senton Bomb
15. Grren Bay Plunge

Finishing Move: Jimmy Clash (Styles Clash)
Submission Move: Mafia Crossface
Highflying Move: Spiral Tap
Trademark Move: Kick-To-Groin

Wrestling Style/Attributes
Wrestling Style (choose only 3):


Strength (1-10): 10
Submission (1-10): 7
Speed (1-10): 10
Hardcore Ability (1-10): 3
Brawling (1-10): 10
Total: 40/40

I won't be able to check in much, as my only internet access is in IT lessons in school, but I'll try and come on as much as possible.
guys, my mate jim signed up to this but he doesnt have internet at home

is it ok if he posts his rps at my house? or is it ok if he just does it from school?

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