Planetcricket FC - Conference {Fifa Manager 06}

Would you like some of the Stevenage players in the squad?

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ICC Chairman
Mar 23, 2006
London, England
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Today the conference side Stevenage Borough Football Club announced that they would be pulling out of the conference due to financial issues. Phil Wallace, the Stevenage chairman, said it was a sad day in the history of the club, but he thinks that someone will take Stevenage back to league football in the next few years. Most of the Stevenage squad have no team to go to and may join the club that has been announced. A Conference South team have been promoted into the Conference. Planetcricket FC have been the team to move up the step into league football and boss Jack Teague thinks that the club is heading towards great things. "We are delighted to have been asked to move into the Nationwide Conference. Our club has come on leeps and bounds since we started a few years back and hope our players from all around the globe can push us to higher things. On the subject of players, we are thinking of signing a few of the Stevenage players to give our original squad a challenge for places and give us some depth. I haven't spoken to the players about it yet, but I would like to see their views on it (poll above) and see wether they think it would be a good challenge for them."
Doesn't really bother me to be honest. Good luck! :)

I am assuming that is Anthony Kiedis in your signature. Good taste ;)


Planetcricket Football CLub have still not annouced wether any of the players from Stevenage FC will join them for this up and coming season. Chairman, Rabeta, Said that they were still deciding and that the manager will announce the decision in the next few days. Rabeta also annoucned that each month a set of targets will be set for the manager to try and reach. "Game results will be an important target for Teague to reach and the fitness and performance of the team also will be important", Rabeta said to press outside the ground. Facilities will also improved before the club start the new season.
The chairman has got some aims , good to see :) will be waiting for the anouncement and gr8 presentation Treva :thumbs

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