Player Stat Tracking


Panel of Selectors
Dec 13, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
hey with the wealth of knowledge that we have on this board would this idea here be possible.

since people found ways to edit pretty much everything in cricket 2004 i was thinking that this 2 might be possible once we can extract the bag files.

basically a simple program that can hack into BLIC and collect data from the final scorecards and store it.

a rough idea of how it would work would be like at the end of the game you alt tab out of the game, load the program and run it and it collects all the data such as the players scores etc.

then it could be sorted in many different ways like into teams and if you were on a tour you could add the stats on as the tour progresses.

the stats wouldnt be in the game and would overall have no real effect on the game but for us purists and statistitions, i reckon this would be good. i was thinking of perhaps putting the data into an excel spreadsheet everytime i played to keep track but if something like this was made it would be a whole lot simplier.

plz if you have any thoughts or ideas plz post n hopefully the smart ones who made all the great cricket 2004 mods can take a look at this
Good idea, would make the game more fun if this was available.
Indeed this would be good, although a little awkward. How codies can release a game where you can go on a world tour with no stats is still ridiculous. I can feel myself getting andgry, better go and smoke a cancer stick.
u said prakash had talked about doin it for u reckon he would be interested in makin one for BLIC?

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