Playstation 3 info


Club Cricketer
Feb 2, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
ok I just finished watching a 2 hour long streaming video of the release of Ps3 what can I say it is going to change the way we look at games for ever not only that it will revolutionize computing for ever . Below are a few things about ps3 .

1. the cell or processor is 125x faster than the fastest p4 proccesor on the market today

2. it can have 7 players playing on it simutaniously on seven wireless controlers (Blutooth)

3. It has 2x Nvidia 6800 Gpu ultra graphics card which is the fastest graphics card on the market to date

4. It has Blu-ray which is a new version of dvd which has a compacity of 50 gig

5. it has XDR Ram which runs at 3.2 gig

6. It has a reality synthersizer (It's a 550-MHz, 300-million-transistor graphics chip)To put that in perspective it has more more than the total number of transistors in both the central processing units and the graphics processing units of the three leading current-generation systems, combined."

7. it has a high definition ip camera

for more infomation check out the site below for more info watch this videostream Sony E3 2005 Press Conference for full specs and up coming games (around 2 hours long) at

The screenshots below are actual game screen of the up coming game Gaetaway 3 it is all based in london.


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umm dude, why are you posting this in a cricket2005 section? you should have posted this on Off-Topic thread...

I'll defo be buying Ps3 when the price drops!!
I've put it here so all cricket 2005 players can see what they have to look forward to when the next Ea SPorts cricket 200? comes out. Its going to be like nothing we have ever seen before :-)
Aldeco said:
I've put it here so all cricket 2005 players can see what they have to look forward to when the next Ea SPorts cricket 200? comes out. Its going to be like nothing we have ever seen before :-)

I don't want to put the mockers on it but are you sure those aren't screen shots taken from cut-scenes? I realise that Sony are touting this thing as the most powerful thing this century and for ever more, but I will stoicly reserve my excitement until I see it in the flesh. The opening movie stuff from the Spiderman game looked all very shiny and then the game looked w@*k! There's no question it's going to put the PS2 to shame, and it's about time, but whether it's actually going to make the Half-Life 2s of this world look like Amiga classics is debatable.
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Ive seen video on that link that is actual game play trust me it is the real deal :-)
not interested if games r rubbish like some we know....
Its all about the Xbox 360 though!

What is??? everything here is on Ps3.

I will see if I can find more screen shots for everyone in the mean time here is a link which shows the Ps3 system specs .

ok go to the link below if you can t be bothered watching the 2hr video stream this one shows some up coming trailers for Ps3 click on link than click on free video stream uder title Game Demonstration .

Let me know what you think????

Just found another video stream the heading for this one is Sony E3 2005 PlayStation 3 Game Demo Showcase 2 this shows some new titles coming out only to Ps3 they look great .
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Yeah PS3 rocks. I got some gameplay recordings myself. X-box 360 is not bad either.
What ones do you have could you send me the links please????
Do you reacon its going to revolutionise games no computer forever????
Computer games are going to have to step up their graphics. And since more powerful video cards are coming into the market they can still compete with the new consoles. Especially since consoles are released every 5-6 years. By the next year or two computer graphics will be better than the xbox 360 and ps3. And definitely the revolution.
[not even gamespot or ign have a page for it.]

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