random gripes


School Cricketer
Aug 29, 2015
before i start my whinging, i just want to say none of these issues have stopped me playing the game, but they do become more annoying as time goes on. I play on the ps4 and i only play career mode really.

1. the lag between hitting the run button and the batsman taking off can be so long that empires could rise and fall. run outs are getting boring.

2. i play as a spinner and the first few times i sent stumps cartwheeling when i bowled someone made me laugh. now it is more of an immersion breaker

3. replays of caught behind are from the worst angle possible. there are no replays at all of lbw decisions. personally i think the tracker should be shown after all decisions, out or not. there are no replays in games where the review system is in place, this needs to be fixed.

4. fielding... the ball is in the air for ages, the out fielder runs towards it and then stop short and waits for it to drop to the ground. bat pad catchers are still much more than meat shields. inner fielders seem to watch the ball go by if there is someone behind them. induces rage when ball is the ar.

5. fielding changes. this system is a mess, with random changes happening at odd times, custom fields failing to load. the automatic fields placings still seem like they are done by a 4 year old (fly slips behind a 2 normal slips, 6 slips and 3 gullys when the opposition need 12 off the final over etc). Also i don't understand why you can't place a fielder any where on the pitch, rather than just the proscribed places.

6. commentary is worse than before. and that's saying something.

7 game can be juddery at times since the last patch, and also out of focus.

thats it for now. i still love this game and apologies for repeating what many have probably said already, but i had to get it off my chest ;)
3. replays of caught behind are from the worst angle possible. there are no replays at all of lbw decisions. personally i think the tracker should be shown after all decisions, out or not. there are no replays in games where the review system is in place, this needs to be fixed.

This one is a carry-over from DBC 14. When that game originally came out, there was a comprehensive range of replays after all notable events. People complained that replays were too frequent so they were scaled back to what we see now.
This one is a carry-over from DBC 14. When that game originally came out, there was a comprehensive range of replays after all notable events. People complained that replays were too frequent so they were scaled back to what we see now.
Things like that can be solved with user options, me as user can then select what replays to show and when, because you will ALWAYS have someone complaining there is too much of this or too little of that meh!
Things like that can be solved with user options, me as user can then select what replays to show and when, because you will ALWAYS have someone complaining there is too much of this or too little of that meh!

Fiddling with options is too much effort for some people. :facepalm
am i missing something, the only setting on replays is 'all' or 'none'? :)

No you've misunderstood. @Jerm meant that he would have used an in-game option to control the replay frequency if Big Ant would have kept it at the original levels. All I meant to say was that fiddling with options is too much like hard work for a lot of people and there still would have been complaints.
Good list. Could probably do with another 7 or 14 more though.
No you've misunderstood. @Jerm meant that he would have used an in-game option to control the replay frequency if Big Ant would have kept it at the original levels. All I meant to say was that fiddling with options is too much like hard work for a lot of people and there still would have been complaints.

aah gotcha. they do have replay system, but it is noteasy to use.

Good list. Could probably do with another 7 or 14 more though.

8. 99% of time the ball goes to mid on/mid off its a bump ball and i've never seen a catch taken in these positions.

9. pitch descriptions are weird and inconsistant. sure i've seen on where it is described as pristine, uneven, cracked and grassy. gives no clue as to what it is likely to do imho
When we say Random gripes we're talking purely random right...?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should all acknowledge that this game could be many things to many people.
Also some people are prepared to play within the game and attempt to do the best we can with all it's problems until the Dev's patch the game. I WAS one of those but no longer.

In my honest opinion this game as it stands at this point in time is no longer fun to play. It is not a accurate simulation of Cricket and has numerous bugs, has too many so called features such as Dynamic selection not working. Can't handle the simple job of keeping Players statistics in career mode, something that DBC14 did well enough. I can ignore all that... HOWEVER to me its now become TOO much of a grind. Its tedious to Bat and it's not good enough to say that is what REAL cricket is like. Played twenty years as a opener and never felt the game was like that at all in most cases.
Sick of not being able to hit a ball with any power. Hit like a 8 year old girl, no offence intended. This player is a 18 year old man and the many I know these days are quite powerful.
its a nonsense to suggest that they can't play powerful shots and they have very low skill levels. How did they get to District grade cricket if they haven't come up from the ranks?
I'm sick of watching players appeal when the graphics show the batsman hitting the ball in the middle of the bat and then being given out???
Sick of my partner becoming part of the fielding side when he gets hit and stops the ball. They patched this in DBC14 if I remember correctly.
Sick of when EVERY swing and a miss is given out. Not every swing contacts the ball. Sometimes the Bowler has bowled a ball that's simply to good and your not good enough to edge it.
Sick of T20 format at club level. Are 40 over games a possibility at club level.
Sick of how the AI controlled players collapse every time the Human player gets out. eg 0 for 58 after 5 overs chasing 148, got out and the side couldn't make the 90 required in 15 overs.
Sick of how you can have 6 short pitched balls in a over and the umpire does nothing?
Sick of the commentary team would rather have teeth drawn than listen to that lot. Worse than the previous idiots but at least they sounded happy, unlike the misery guts two that are there now.
Just a few of what URKS me now about this game. So I'll stop playing it until the MAGIC imagined Patch arrives to cure this DOG of a game of all its ills.

BTW Why no communication by the Dev's? Its now been a month since release and NOTHING. Thank God that this is not a mainstream game as they'd be having a hard time from Joe Public.
aah gotcha. they do have replay system, but it is noteasy to use.

8. 99% of time the ball goes to mid on/mid off its a bump ball and i've never seen a catch taken in these positions.

9. pitch descriptions are weird and inconsistant. sure i've seen on where it is described as pristine, uneven, cracked and grassy. gives no clue as to what it is likely to do imho
The worst part about 9 is you get that information AFTER the lineups are chosen. I played a tour of India and chose 2 spinners but it gave me a hard, grassy, worn pitch lol in India of all places
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should all acknowledge that this game could be many things to many people.
Also some people are prepared to play within the game and attempt to do the best we can with all it's problems until the Dev's patch the game. I WAS one of those but no longer.

In my honest opinion this game as it stands at this point in time is no longer fun to play. It is not a accurate simulation of Cricket and has numerous bugs, has too many so called features such as Dynamic selection not working. Can't handle the simple job of keeping Players statistics in career mode, something that DBC14 did well enough. I can ignore all that... HOWEVER4 to me its now become TOO much of a grind. Its tedious to Bat and it's not good enough to say that is what REAL cricket is like. Played twenty years as a opener and never felt the game was like that at all in most cases.
Sick of not being able to hit a ball with any power. Hit like a 8 year old girl, no offence intended. This player is a 18 year old man and the many I know these days are quite powerful.
its a nonsense to suggest that they can't play powerful shots and they have very low skill levels. How did they get to District grade cricket if they haven't come up from the ranks?
I'm sick of watching players appeal when the graphics show the batsman hitting the ball in the middle of the bat and then being given out???
Sick of my partner becoming part of the fielding side when he gets hit and stops the ball. They patched this in DBC14 if I remember correctly.
Sick of when EVERY swing and a miss is given out. Not every swing contacts the ball. Sometimes the Bowler has bowled a ball that's simply to good and your not good enough to edge it.
Sick of T20 format at club level. Are 40 over games a possibility at club level.
Sick of how the AI controlled players collapse every time the Human player gets out. eg 0 for 58 after 5 overs chasing 148, got out and the side couldn't make the 90 required in 15 overs.
Sick of how you can have 6 short pitched balls in a over and the umpire does nothing?

Just a few of what URKS me now about this game. So I'll stop playing it until the MAGIC imagined Patch arrives to cure this DOG of a game of all its ills.

BTW Why no communication by the Dev's? Its now been a month since release and NOTHING. Thank God that this is not a mainstream game as they'd be having a hard time from Joe Public.

Some fair points made the hope now is for patch 4 to now sort these issues out. You do know you're now banished to the ignore list for raising issues? Shame![DOUBLEPOST=1488095800][/DOUBLEPOST]
Fiddling with options is too much effort for some people. :facepalm
Err, why should we...? You are right!
I love the game, but when an edge goes for four and the commentator says "cracking shot for four" it still really angers me :lol
The game does have quite a few niggly issues but I've not found anything too bad yet, and the ones that are there haven't combined to piss me off too much though. The most irritating thing is that I can't get my head around why some of them even exist.

The commentary however is dreadful and I've turned it off.

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