requirements of the game


School Cricketer
Sep 7, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
can anybody plz tell me what are the pc requirements for the blic 2005 bcoz i want to get it but i would not waste my money if my pc is not up to the requirements. Plz i will be really really thankful to anyone who can help.
My PC is

Intel Pentium 4
256ddr ram
Intel 82865GB/GBF on board
2.9 GHZ 800 FSB
SoundMax Onboard soundcard and
Windows Xp Pro Sp2

ok thanx mate that is a good idea but i should tell you some games i have tried demos but their original versions did not work on my pc and that was a waste of money. But anyways thanx a lot.
I wouldnt have thought an Integrated sound card would be a problem, as long as its DirectX 9 compatible. I dont have any problems there either, and the rest of your specs look fine. The video card will probably be a problem though as 1: its not on the supported cards list and 2: its a bottom of the range chipset.
get a decent graphics card

Hey ure config is really good , and the game should with all the bells and whistles ...all u have to do is just get a decent graphics card ..what i am trying to say is that basically pick up any ati 3d acclerator like a 9600 which should cost u around 3000 to 4000 rupees.

like i run the game with everything on and i have a p4 1.6mghz ...but i got a decent graphics card a ati 9800 pro 128mb ram :D

so basically u need a decent graphics card :cheers

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