sound importer how does it work


School Cricketer
Aug 27, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
could i have exact steps on how to use the sound importer like what do i have opened at the top of sound importer and do i import or export to get a new sound really confussed
Well I think it works like this:
1) You start the Sound Importer - and decide which files you wanna change... There are some changed ogg files placed on by bladesteve. They are really cool. They are 1615 onwards.

2) So lets say you have the new 1615 file by bladesteve on your harddrive somewhere... so just click on 1615 in your sound importer window (u should be able to hear the present sound of that file) then press import and give the path to the new 1615 file and click ok.

3) There should be a confirmatory question asked(if you wanna really do it or not?) at that time the new file sound will be playing. so if u want to change it press ok and its done.

4) donno if the export option works... i tried but couldnt get Winamp 5 to play the file (I could play Ravi Shastri's pitch reports that were posted on this site some days back!) any suggestions regarding this?

thats all the info i possess. hope it helps u!

sachin i have a question i was trying to import ravis commentry in to the game by using sound importer. i imported to the right numbers and stuff when it says are you sure you want to replace and i said yes then it says the file is too big why please help me sachin
i think the size of the file is different or perhaps the length of the commentary is different... i have not tried doing it with Honda_Civic's Ravi Shastri Pitch reports(thats the one you tried i think)... but it works fine for the files downloaded from i think Honda might be able to deal with this problem in a better way

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