Sunglasses on players


School Cricketer
Jul 13, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I wonder if it is possible to add sunglasses model to the bowlers or the batsmen in this game ? Like Ashley Giles who always wears his Oakley on sunny days. I think that you add a like bit of realism to the game...
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For some reason, One of my career characters likes to wear orange Oakley's when he's fielding. No idea why.
I am working on the Glasses. will let you know how it's going soon.Probably with some screens today
Madman said:
on sunny days will giles wear em when he's bowlin or would u av to remodel the face to do that

That's what I would have thought, also, I don't thik it's possible to only make him wear them in certain weather conditions, e/g/ sunny, cloudy...
you would have to replace the bowler model with the fielder one, and even then there's a chance your bowler would be wearing a cap or sunhat...
You can't do that though, becase the models, for fielding, batting, bowling, don't include the sunglasses!
I think you will find the Ashley Giles fielder model, wears sunglasses and a sunhat :)
I was looking through the files and I can't see that the sunglasses that they wear are included in the face file....Anyway will look into it later today

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