The Planetcricket Arms - the friendly drinking thread (TFFSL welcome)

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Random fact:

Am back in with a shout of Ipswich U19 National League side.
And another one:

Fan of Cheers.
I don't know. You just can't get the staff these days...

I extend my challenge to everyone in this thread - tell us something random about yourself. Once 2 or 3 people have done it I might do it too.

My birthday is the same day as "The Don".
I couldn't possibly think of anyone I'd rather share a birthday with:)
I once had a few drinks with John Kosmina. He got aggro with the bar staff when they weren't quick enough with the drinks.

I ran into Greg Matthews in the supermarket last year. He was with his teen age son. When a couple of people had a go at him he got pretty loud, but didn't swear. Remarkable restraint from someone not known as being a quiet man.
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I went into one of these posh George Street bars here in Edinburgh for a work xmas meal and it was one of those places where the speed you got served in depended on how rich you looked.
The guy ignored me for 10 minutes, looked at me with scorn when I went off at him then charged me £6 for a pint (AUS$13). Were it not for the fact I didn't want to get chucked out of my work xmas meal...
The bloke knew that he had you by the short and curlies as it was a work party. He could treat you like crap and get away with it. Vengeance is mine sayeth the scorned customer. Name the place in as many forums and blogs as you can, outlining your experience - poor service, surly attitude. It makes people think twice about handing over hard earned dosh at a place like that.
Random Fact: eggman went to The Virgin Islands, but when he left they were just The Islands
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